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just enough clear sky here to get some flying time in today

Smooth! Nice shots and nice transitioning between shots. I think your timing between each splice is about perfect. I've seen too many videos - even short ones where it is the same monotonous shot for too long. Network television and big screen movies are typically around 4 seconds per shot.
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Smooth! Nice shots and nice transitioning between shots. I think your timing between each splice is about perfect. I've seen too many videos - even short ones where it is the same monotonous shot for too long. Network television and big screen movies are typically around 4 seconds per shot.
Thank you! You're right. It's a fine line sometimes, between holding the shot too long or leaving something out that helps tell the story. It's a learning process and you can tell, if you've seen my first few videos, that I held some shots way too long!
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I am a former Air Force medic and did brain wave testing as a career. Curiously enough, researchers started hooking people up to EEG machines and monitored brain wave activity as the subjects watched TVs. When a single view shot was played for longer than about 10-15 minutes the brain activity indicated stage 3 sleep. After testing various clip rates they found that the 4 second clips held people's attention and kept them awake. Ever time children's cartoon shows? I believe we are raising an entire generation of attention deficit victims triggered in part by hallucinogenic cartoon images bombarding kid's brains at an astonishingly rapid clip rate... sometimes 1 second or less(!) I can hardly think of a more effective torture (err... enhanced interrogation) device for military prisoners than to have them watch typical kid's cartoon shows non-stop while strapped down in front of a TV "Clockwork Orange" style(!)
Anyway, nice video!
True about the cartoons! I have two daughters that watch them. Thanks for the compliments!

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