- Joined
- Sep 6, 2016
- Messages
- 3
- Reaction score
- 7
- Age
- 49
Use and modify as you see fit.
You need to copy the entire FlightLog directory from the ST16. It uses both the RemoteGPS and Telemetry files.
[EDIT] Fixed bug, improved KML output styling. Added example image from Google Earth.
log2kml.pl, code below.
You need to copy the entire FlightLog directory from the ST16. It uses both the RemoteGPS and Telemetry files.
[EDIT] Fixed bug, improved KML output styling. Added example image from Google Earth.
log2kml.pl, code below.
#!perl.exe -W
# Quick and dirty flight log parser (V0.2)
# writes to KML file
# Minimal error checking!
# parses BOTH RemoteGPS and Telemetry
# calculates drone absolute altitude from RemoteGPS + Telemetry (I think this works)
# log2kml [path to FlightLog dir] [log number]
# Examples:
# FlightLog folder is in the directory from wich you are running the script.
# log2kml . 15
# Flightlog folder is located at C:\Users\Me\Destop\FlightLog
# log2kml C:\Users\Me\Destop 26
use strict;
use warnings;
my @telTime;
my @telLoc;
my @telDir;
my @remTime;
my @remLoc;
my @remDir;
my %remAlt = ();
my $logPath = $ARGV[0]; # path to location of FlightLog directory '.' for current, etc.
my $flightNum = $ARGV[1]; # flight number to process
my $telFile = sprintf("%s\\FlightLog\\Telemetry\\Telemetry_%05d.csv", $logPath, $flightNum);
my $remFile = sprintf("%s\\FlightLog\\RemoteGPS\\RemoteGPS_%05d.csv", $logPath, $flightNum);
open (TELFILE, $telFile) || die "Can't Open $telFile: $!\n";
chomp @TEL;
shift @TEL;
open (REMFILE, $remFile) || die "Can't Open $remFile: $!\n";
chomp @REM;
shift @REM;
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# date,lon,lat,alt,accuracy,speed,angle
foreach my $line (@REM) {
my @tokens = split(/,/, $line);
my @datetime = split(/ /, $tokens[0]);
my $date = substr($datetime[0],0,4) . '-' . substr($datetime[0],4,2) . '-' . substr($datetime[0],6,2);
my @time = split(/:./, $datetime[1]);
push(@remTime, '<when>' . $date . 'T' . substr($datetime[1],0,8) . 'Z</when>');
push(@remLoc, '<gx:coord>' . $tokens[1] . ' ' . $tokens[2] . ' ' . $tokens[3] . '</gx:coord>');
push(@remDir, '<gx:angles>' . $tokens[6] . ' 0.0 0.0</gx:angles>');
$remAlt{substr($datetime[1],0,8)} = $tokens[3];
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
# date,fsk_rssi,voltage,current,altitude,latitude,longitude,tas,gps_used,fix_type,satellites_num,roll,yaw,pitch,motor_status,imu_status,press_compass_status,f_mode,gps_status,vehicle_type,error_flags1,gps_accH
my $sec = -1;
my $alt = 0;
foreach my $line (@TEL) {
my @tokens = split(/,/, $line);
if($tokens[10] >= 10) {
my @datetime = split(/ /, $tokens[0]);
my $date = substr($datetime[0],0,4) . '-' . substr($datetime[0],4,2) . '-' . substr($datetime[0],6,2);
my @time = split(/:./, $datetime[1]);
my $thisSec = $time[2];
if($thisSec ne $sec) {
if(exists $remAlt{substr($datetime[1],0,8)}) {
$alt = $remAlt{substr($datetime[1],0,8)} + $tokens[4];
push(@telTime, '<when>' . $date . 'T' . substr($datetime[1],0,8) . 'Z</when>');
push(@telLoc, '<gx:coord>' . $tokens[6] . ' ' . $tokens[5] . ' ' . $alt . '</gx:coord>');
push(@telDir, '<gx:angles>' . $tokens[12] . ' ' . $tokens[13] . ' ' . $tokens[11] . '</gx:angles>');
$sec = $thisSec;
my $kmlFile = 'flight' . $flightNum . '.kml';
open (my $kml, ">", $kmlFile) || die "Can't Open $kmlFile: $!\n";
print $kml '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
print $kml '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"' . "\n";
print $kml 'xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">' . "\n";
print $kml '<Document>' . "\n";
print $kml '<Style id="aircraft">' . "\n";
print $kml '<IconStyle><scale>0.5</scale><Icon><href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/airports.png</href></Icon><hotSpot x="0.5" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/></IconStyle>' . "\n";
print $kml '<LineStyle><color>ffffff55</color><width>2</width></LineStyle>' . "\n";
print $kml '<PolyStyle><color>54ffff55</color></PolyStyle>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Style>' . "\n";
print $kml '<Style id="pilot">' . "\n";
print $kml '<IconStyle><scale>0.5</scale><Icon><href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/track.png</href></Icon><hotSpot x="0.5" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/></IconStyle>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Style>' . "\n";
print $kml '<Folder>' . "\n";
print $kml '<name>Flight Telemetry</name>' . "\n";
print $kml '<Placemark>' . "\n";
print $kml '<name>Typhoon H</name>' . "\n";
print $kml '<styleUrl>#aircraft</styleUrl>' . "\n";
print $kml '<gx:Track>' . "\n";
print $kml '<extrude>1</extrude>' . "\n";
print $kml '<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>' . "\n";
foreach my $time (@telTime) {
print $kml $time . "\n";
foreach my $loc (@telLoc) {
print $kml $loc . "\n";
foreach my $dir (@telDir) {
print $kml $dir . "\n";
print $kml '</gx:Track>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Placemark>' . "\n";
print $kml '<Placemark>' . "\n";
print $kml '<name>Pilot</name>' . "\n";
print $kml '<styleUrl>#pilot</styleUrl>' . "\n";
print $kml '<gx:Track>' . "\n";
print $kml '<altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode>' . "\n";
foreach my $time (@remTime) {
print $kml $time . "\n";
foreach my $loc (@remLoc) {
print $kml $loc . "\n";
# direction of remote from GPS, so, only accurate when moving.
#foreach my $dir (@remDir) {
# print $kml $dir . "\n";
print $kml '</gx:Track>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Placemark>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Folder>' . "\n";
print $kml '</Document>' . "\n";
print $kml '</kml>' . "\n";
close $kml;
Last edited: