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What it's like to shop in Canada

Murray Martz

Staff member
Premium Pilot
Jan 29, 2017
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Saskatchewan, Canada
If you live here in Canada, not only are you faced with the difference in the purchasing power of the USD vs CAD, but the worst part is how retailers abuse Canadians with product pricing. It's actually cheaper to buy products from the US and have them shipped here.
Listed is an example of the Breeze in Canada vs US.
Yuneec Breeze 4K Quadcopter Drone with Camera - Ready-to-Fly - White
Dang........does CA have an import tax?
Dang........does CA have an import tax?
We do, but even with it, it would still be cheaper to buy in the US and send home. I had a chat with Nikon Canada a few years back and asked why we pay double or more here for accessories, an example was my battery was $40 CAD if I could buy it in the US, but $89 CAD in Canada. The reply they gave me was that the Canadian market supports a higher price. I asked what they meant and they said it's not about the dollar, it's just that Canadians have, and will always pay more as they have no choice.

Canadians have no means to complain to their government about pricing, and even if they did, the Canadian government has never stood up for their consumers, they look out for business interest. They indicated that is why the Canadian market is lucrative for any US business. Was I ever choked when I was told that. I passed the information along to my Member of Parliament........yah....never heard a word back, even after multiple calls to the MP. So that is what we are up against.

Then there is the whole label thing. Products MUST have both languages on it to satisfy the Province of Quebec, which is an eye sore for the rest of Canada. Quebec even has their own Charter of Rights and Freedoms, they refuse to follow the Canadian one. So they have had to create this expensive system for commerce here. Dual labels on product of English and french, but Quebec does not require dual labels. Different bar codes for Canada due to this, and it goes on. Your business can even be fined or closed down if you have English on your business outside or inside in Quebec, let alone what happens if you won't speak french in your business.
I did some work for a company that had a contract in Quebec and spent several weeks there in the late 80's. I remember a conversation I had with a local that was trying to explain and/or justify why they wanted this "distinction" as Murray mentions. He could speak English just enough for us to have a conversation, I could speak no French. At one point he explained to me that they (Quebec) want to be to Canada, like California is to America. o_O I sort of understood that he felt California was a Premiere state or something, to which I laughed and gave my point of view of California.

Disclaimer: Dear Californians - I do not dislike your state - in fact I love it in fact, can't wait to visit, but I was trying to make a point. ;)

I explained that each state is unique and has it's good and bad and that people that live in different states don't sit around thinking of how grand it would be if we could just get there somehow. I went on to explain that there were people in the US who would not want to live there for one reason or another, that California was just another one of 50 great states. :eek:

To that, he looked at me as if I had blasphemed the Pope. He truly could not understand where I was coming from, said a few words in french - I suppose thanking me for my engaging conversation - and we parted ways.
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I did some work for a company that had a contract in Quebec and spent several weeks there in the late 80's. I remember a conversation I had with a local that was trying to explain and/or justify why they wanted this "distinction" as Murray mentions. He could speak English just enough for us to have a conversation, I could speak no French. At one point he explained to me that they (Quebec) want to be to Canada, like California is to America. o_O I sort of understood that he felt California was a Premiere state or something, to which I laughed and gave my point of view of California.

Disclaimer: Dear Californians - I do not dislike your state - in fact I love it in fact, can't wait to visit, but I was trying to make a point. ;)

I explained that each state is unique and has it's good and bad and that people that live in different states don't sit around thinking of how grand it would be if we could just get there somehow. I went on to explain that there were people in the US who would not want to live there for one reason or another, that California was just another one of 50 great states. :eek:

To that, he looked at me as if I had blasphemed the Pope. He truly could not understand where I was coming from, said a few words in french - I suppose thanking me for my engaging conversation - and we parted ways.
That does sum it up. Canada is an amazing country, but Quebec has never wanted to be a part of it unless they get their way. It's like the kid that poops in the sand box every day, then wonders why no one want to go in the sand box, even if he no longer poops in it.

Saskatchewan, which is my province, has a huge Ukraine and German population. Yet we co-exist and strive to be the best we can be together. From cultural clubs to festivals, we all celebrate every culture in Saskatchewan. It's just who we are here. For the most part, Saskatchewan is the most diverse province in Canada.

**PS Ty, there is a new member on here named...TyPilot......or close to that
Yeah I saw someone respond to what I thought was me, only problem; it was a thread I had no comments in. Found a guy that goes by Typilot as opposed to Ty Pilot.o_O I remember when I joined I looked to see if any one used the name Pat - well there was this other Pat ;) Hence I just went with the first thing that came to mind.

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