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17 week of NFL

Aug 12, 2018
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Thank you lord for Sunday and Monday night football.

I’m a Raider and Patriot Fan, how about you?
I don’t support college or pro sports at all. A bunch of Prima Donna, over paid, spoiled jerks. When I was young they made a good wage to play and you could afford to go to a game with the family. Not so any more. As for college sports, it stinks that an academic scholarship is rarely given for intelligent students, but instead given to less academically driven sports “stars”.

I can’t even get Cable TV without paying a fee to pro sports even if I never watch a single game. I don’t even watch pro golf anymore due to the extravagant amount of money spent by companies that sponsor events, but expect tax breaks to do business in our communities.
I used to love watching NFL games - when the game was played by men. It is sad to see it go from being the most watched and admired sport to one where a bunch of overgrown whining snowflakes spend more time working on stupid end zone antics, than doing their job. Collin Kaperdick will have a similar fate as OJ Simpson in that; in 20 years no one will remember he even played the sport - he's just a gigantic infant without reason or logic. . . oh and I almost forgot - he SUCKS as a quarterback:p. But as much as I can't stand the players - it is the owners that are the true problem for letting their employees mach, impugn and ridicule their core customers. Its like having a waiter spit in your plate as he approaches your table and then has the gal to tell you he just 'seasoned it' for you.
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I love football, but I have banned from watching it until all players stand for the National Anthem!
If they keep rolling their eyes, maybe they'll find a brain back there.
Spoiled egotistical brats.
View attachment 11306

With you all the way[emoji106]

If they want to protest, do it off the field. They are paid to play football, not use the game to voice their personal political views. There’s a lot of football players that would be “nobody’s” if not for sports scholarships. I view actors the same way, if not a little worse as they have demonstrated their capability to adopt personalities generated through a script. Both groups are where they are only because of the opportunities they were able to access here that are not open to them elsewhere. I’m all for entertainment but vociferously oppose political indoctrination.
Football in the U.K. is an entirely different game. I think you would call it soccer?
Yes it's entirely different.
Now days soccer player when touched, fall down and whine, pretending he's disabled for life, while the other player then gets the infraction (carded) for the offense. Then, Lo and behold hurt:rolleyes: player can now run the 100 yard dash like "nothing ever happened":eek:
The NFL is a lot like late night TV. Instead of doing humor their doing political kabuki theater and there's a ton of idiots that get their news from these guys. Division and politics/identity politics/labeling is now becoming the norm for ESPN, CNN, NFL, NBA etcetera.

The American flag and the anthem are the only uniting factor in the US and so many are disrespecting it that we'll soon join the ranks of Chicogo, London, NY etcetera.
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