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4 Hawks SR

Okay so from what im seeing is take extreme caution when using these question though is why aren't they regulated on the websites or the sale of them even prohibited.

It’s virtually impossible to control foreign manufacturing and import. Just look at the illegal drug trade as an example. We also run into an issue between legal to own versus illegal to use. Then we have the situation as to what is legal for licensed HAM operators may not be legal for common consumer users. In that situation it’s a qualification issue, very similar to what occurs in firearms with full auto weapons and suppressors.

There are many areas in life where because we can does not mean we should. As federal aviation law states it’s not legal to fly BLOS there’s nothing we can buy to increase range that alters that. Properly oriented with proper body positioning while avoiding structure or foliage obstruction of the RF signal, the stock antennas are quite effective out to a couple thousand feet, far enough to exceed effective control LOS.
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You can, I can see it so I fly it to the position I want, feed comes back eventually and your getting to your flight path, that's a lot of flight time to waste just hovering, that's why I use 4hawks, it virtually eliminates that problem, we rarely get picture freeze or break up, we lose video straight away with little warning, even watching signal strength on controller.
Oh okay I miss understood I think are you saying you lost video with stock antennas or with the 4 Hawks.
It’s virtually impossible to control foreign manufacturing and import. Just look at the illegal drug trade as an example. We also run into an issue between legal to own versus illegal to use. Then we have the situation as to what is legal for licensed HAM operators may not be legal for common consumer users. In that situation it’s a qualification issue, very similar to what occurs in firearms with full auto weapons and suppressors.

There are many areas in life where because we can does not mean we should. As federal aviation law states it’s not legal to fly BLOS there’s nothing we can buy to increase range that alters that. Properly oriented with proper body positioning while avoiding structure or foliage obstruction of the RF signal, the stock antennas are quite effective out to a couple thousand feet, far enough to exceed effective control LOS.
Thank you for the clarification that certainly does make sense.
Oh okay I miss understood I think are you saying you lost video with stock antennas or with the 4 Hawks.
US firmware has higher power output, EU is weaker, the 4 hawks helps level the playing field, but not as good if you put 4hawks on as well.
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I've seen a lot of this where pilots are having problems with video signal loss or stuttering. I am new to drone flying and only floon my H plus maby seven or sight times. In all these flights I never once found any problem with video feed loss. I always fly in line of sight so maybe this why I never had any problems? In saying all that I was thinking of getting the 4Hawks aerial setup not to extend the flight range but to insure I never lose signal video or otherwise. I seen a video on youtube today that scared me, a chap with a H480 lost it while flying around a rocky hillside in the desert. When he lost line of sight of his H it went into return to home mode but ended up crashing into the hill. I assume he hadn't set the height to a height greater than the hillside high.
My question is . like to fly around rivers forests and old derelict farm houses etc. Would the 4Hawks arial system help me achieve a better and stronger signal.
I've seen a lot of this where pilots are having problems with video signal loss or stuttering. I am new to drone flying and only floon my H plus maby seven or sight times. In all these flights I never once found any problem with video feed loss. I always fly in line of sight so maybe this why I never had any problems? In saying all that I was thinking of getting the 4Hawks aerial setup not to extend the flight range but to insure I never lose signal video or otherwise. I seen a video on youtube today that scared me, a chap with a H480 lost it while flying around a rocky hillside in the desert. When he lost line of sight of his H it went into return to home mode but ended up crashing into the hill. I assume he hadn't set the height to a height greater than the hillside high.
My question is . like to fly around rivers forests and old derelict farm houses etc. Would the 4Hawks arial system help me achieve a better and stronger signal.
If the area has obstacles, then I draw an imaginary line between my myself and the copter, and try and make sure nothing blocks it, keeping it within visual sight, the 4hawks is directional so you would have to follow the copter, pointing at the copter always. If the flight involved areas where I would lose sight then I'd think again personally.
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The FAA’s primary function is assuring flight and public safety, so design and performance standards for any aircraft that can impact the public is within their mission statement. As our country initiates certification standards for C2 and airframes I expect nothing less. The closer we get to legalized BVLOS and flight over people the closer we get to seeing equipment certification introduced.

Our FAA indicated their desire for drone component certification as far back as 2014-2015, and named the ASTM, in conjunction with U.S. commercial drone manufacturers, as a Pathfinder agency as a means to initiate development of certification standards. As drone operations are expanded we should anticipate STC, PMA, and other engineering certification mandates for any drone that can function as a commercial platform.

Then there must be a defining line between drones that require a heavy mandate such as STCs and those that don’t. For example, light sport aircraft and everything else( General Aviation on up)

You think a Typhoon H type is expensive now? Wait until the FAA gets involved. Annual inspections? Certified parts for just your particular model that cost the manufacturer tens of thousands, plus, of dollars to prove to the FAA it met a very narrow set of parameters.

The FAA doesn’t have the budget to enforce GA standards. You think they have the resources to patrol the number of drones out there? Comical.
If the area has obstacles, then I draw an imaginary line between my myself and the copter, and try and make sure nothing blocks it, keeping it within visual sight, the 4hawks is directional so you would have to follow the copter, pointing at the copter always. If the flight involved areas where I would lose sight then I'd think again personally.
I taught as much but was hoping because the signal was stronger from the 4Hawks antenna that it might help me.
Unless you use your drone commercially in controlled air space I wouldn’t worry about it. The FAA rarely, like almost never, ramp checks GA aircraft. Odds are much closer to zero of a FAA guy being in a field where you are flying. Just don’t hit a flying aircraft with it though!

FAA is not going to care what antenna you have. As long as you are VLOS it does not matter to them. The FCC does care, but they are not really chasing this down either. The one place it will absolutely come into play is if there is an incident. If it a BVLOS accident FAA can use it as proof of your intention to operate illegally. If it is a civil liability case opposing lawyers will use it as proof of a disregard for regulations and an act of willful negligence. But don't cause an accident or incident and you have little to be concerned about.
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As the saying goes, everything is legal, until you get caught. I think most people don’t care when everything is going right but the moment something goes wrong all the stuff they never cared or thought about becomes the most important stuff in their life.
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I've seen a lot of this where pilots are having problems with video signal loss or stuttering. I am new to drone flying and only floon my H plus maby seven or sight times. In all these flights I never once found any problem with video feed loss. I always fly in line of sight so maybe this why I never had any problems? In saying all that I was thinking of getting the 4Hawks aerial setup not to extend the flight range but to insure I never lose signal video or otherwise. I seen a video on youtube today that scared me, a chap with a H480 lost it while flying around a rocky hillside in the desert. When he lost line of sight of his H it went into return to home mode but ended up crashing into the hill. I assume he hadn't set the height to a height greater than the hillside high.
My question is . like to fly around rivers forests and old derelict farm houses etc. Would the 4Hawks arial system help me achieve a better and stronger signal.
If I read correctly and from what some of the others have told me even though it helps with the signal its completely directional meaning it has to be pointed at the drone the entire time. If they ever approve BVLOS id certainly be interested in training with drones to learn how to properly fly like that but would also be interested in what antenna setup would be good for that type.
There's no reference to Antenna mods here, the law is quite vague at the moment, you can fly over people at the correct distance, if the UK adopts the EASA regulations then the 500mm Max distance regulation will change to 1500m if you install lighting to be able to see the copter, don't know if there will be an approved light system to use or it's down to the operators to decide.
Just wanted to update used the 4 Hawks today flew at 400 feet altitude and 650 in distance video lag completely gone also if you wandering 650 is as far as I could go without going over people or cars very pleased with the 4 Hawks also thought id share a photo of how I fit it in the carrying case. A flathead screwdriver is now part of my kit as those 2 top screws are difficult to access. Also the case closes with zero issues and the antenna stays put inside only thing I have to do is fasten the 2 top screws when I get on location.20191206_194639.jpeg20191206_194628.jpeg20191206_194653.jpeg
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FYI, the 5.8ghz video antenna part of the hawks SR/XR is likely much like this inexpensive 14db 5.8ghz 'patch' antenna - (4 'patch-flat' pads - btw the extra yuneec patch antenna is a Single 'patch' like these 4) and no circular polarization - the 'active/actual' antenna is on center fiberglass board - 1 metal reflector, 2 fiberglass:

similarly, the 2.4ghz will be multiple larger patch antennas appropriate to the lower frequency, lower = larger/longer, higher = shorter/smaller wavelengths.

checkout the itelite maxxrange test - several on youtube:

ps: your transmitter does not put out more radiation power - it is just focused from an omni-directional propagation into a directional beam - this gives more distance, more antenna surface will receive more signal - thus reception is increased.

also, yuneec use a very simple/primitive telemetry and video signal type - some not all DJI have much more complex and reliable signal but it is a more costly chip set, for yuneec, as you know the weak part is the video signal, telemetry is ok.

Good Luck and enjoy !

Been a while since ive posted pretty busy guy these days the Arizona summer heat slowed up my drone flying and pushed me to my secondary hobby working on and racing my car well now the cold season has arrived and trying to get back into flying more decided to bite the bullet and purchased the 4 Hawks Antenna off of Skydronesusa after reading some reviews on here and the websites shockingly enough though there is hardly any video on youtube of anyone using this with the H I got it cause my video feed likes to cut out and just trying to stable that up. I would love to see videos or get any advice I can from those who have used it. If ive dropped this in the wrong area let me know or if im beating a dead horse I saw some feedback on this but it seemed most who were talking about it havent brought it up in a while.
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I use to use the ITELITE DBS when I had my Q500 and know how far that went so just purchased the hawk for my H so after reading this thread looking forward to trying it out
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