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Balance charging

Dec 26, 2019
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Hi wonder if anyone can help, I have a Q500 and trying to balance charge the batteries using a c240 duo balance charger, the settings on the balance charger are 3s 11.1v and everytime I press the start button I get error message, disconnect battery, very puzzling,
Pictures show Leeds and battery I am using,
Is this a new charger?
Have you used the Battery meter function to check individual cell voltage?
Does the problem occur on more than one battery?

Your pictures don't show the main power leads. I assume you are also connecting them to the EC3 connector on the battery?
Is this a new charger?
Have you used the Battery meter function to check individual cell voltage?
Does the problem occur on more than one battery?

Your pictures don't show the main power leads. I assume you are also connecting them to the EC3 connector on the battery?
Hi and thanks for your reply the only battery lead I have is the one that the white plug on the battery I do not have a plug for the other two rounds sockets I was under the impression I will not need them and yes I have checked the battery condition everything is fine it's the same on two identical batteries, I'm thinking reading your comment I need a different lead that connects to the small all round holes for one for a better word which I would think is the live and neutral? And yes I've used the balance charger to charge the batteries on my typhoon H and I had to get special leads for them
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I just managed to put a lead together on the balance charger and the batteries are now going into storage mode
Many thanks
Hi just a follow on regarding the batteries I have now balance all batteries into storage mode "typhoon H and Q500" is there some routine regarding leaving the batteries for so long then part charging them then putting them back in storage mode or do I just leave them in storage mode until I need them again?
Most check them every thirty days and if low just do the storage charge. No need to do a full charge unless you plan to fly.
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