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Build 829 (Patch) is now out. Here we go again!

How about some basics beginning with what version of the software you're using? When is the last time you calibrated the compass? How many satellites prior to launch?
How about some basics beginning with what version of the software you're using? When is the last time you calibrated the compass? How many satellites prior to launch?
822/829. Calibrated it a couple days ago. 17 SATs prior to launch. No offense, but this ain't my first rodeo. I had this issue with 784, then went away with later updates, now it's back with 822 with the 829 patch.
822/829. Calibrated it a couple days ago. 17 SATs prior to launch. No offense, but this ain't my first rodeo. I had this issue with 784, then went away with later updates, now it's back with 822 with the 829 patch.
No offense but I don't care if it's your 500th rodeo when reporting an incident please give us the most basic information...by seeing what version of the software you're using people can know this could happen to them, it seems we've had two reports of completely erratic behavior just after a clean flight with those versions. Are you installing versions on top of each other or are you doing clean installs?
No offense but I don't care if it's your 500th rodeo when reporting an incident please give us the most basic information...

Man o man..... Chill down... The TH Plus is not rocket science.
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Something's gotta give, here. I just went and flew a new job, in the middle of nowhere. It's a farm with a new house being built on it. The first flight battery, it flew just as smooth as butter. It's 43° and wind is 17mph, gusting 28mph. No warnings at all on the screen. Set a few waypoints in a CCC mission and took a some photos. Got 20:11 minutes out of it before I got the first battery warning. Landed it just fine, shutdown the H+, swapped batteries, started it back up.

I put the second battery in, got a geomagnetic warning, cleared it and launched. I flew it about 200 feet in a straight line, and began walking towards it. I'm on a new construction site with brand new footings dug, so there's mounds of dirt all over the place. I took my eyes off the H+ for a few seconds so I could walk through the site, and heard it getting further away from me, pretty fast. I looked back up at it, and noticed it had started climbing on its own, way faster than ever before. I held the left stick down, and to my surprise, it came down at a normal rate. Once it got about 20 feet from the ground, the descent slowed way down. Took probably a minute to get to the ground from 20 feet up. I got it set down, it tried to flip over backwards. I launched it back up, then back down to try to land again. I held the left stick down and clicked the red button 3 times. It shut off and I got an emergency landing message. It would not let me start the props again. I assume it's supposed to do that after an emergency landing. I shut the H+ down, and tried again. It launched, but started climbing very slowly. The rear light started flashing white, then back to solid purple. It then hovered just fine. I finished taking photos at a lower altitude, then took it up to 200 feet to take some straight-down photos. I wanted to save the waypoint, but it would not let me. It would open the CCC, but every time I clicked add waypoint, nothing happened. I landed it, shut down the H+ and the ST16S, then restarted them both. Took it up about 10 feet and watched it try to climb on its own again. I did this twice. I got tired of trying, so I gave up on it.

I really hope Yuneec does something to fix this. It is absolutely embarrassing when I'm standing there with a contractor (and potential long-term client) and this happens. Not to mention any safety issues this causes.

I’m putting a tutorial on how to properly downgrade to 784. ST16s and C23
Stay tuned, bro. Been busy, mapping 425 acres for a future build, and I was out in the boondocks. [emoji23]
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I have been doing some testing on this intermittent involuntary ascent issue. I have have experienced it on 3 different FW versions, and I'm not so sure it is FW related, or even calibration related. I have confirmed several times over 3 days that this occurs to me when I power up after a battery change, or power cycle the aircraft in certain specific locations. I can power cycle over and over and it will still want to climb after lift off. I do not get any Magnetic interference warnings, and there is nothing to indicate that anything is wrong. If I move 20~30'/ 6~9m away and power cycle it's fine -every time. I have not figured out what it is with these locations, but I do know that every single time I power up the Plus sitting on these locations, it will do the involuntary ascent thing.

So now anytime I fly anywhere and experience this issue, I will immediately land move 20~30' and power cycle. More to follow on this subject as I investigate further. Stay tuned.
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I've had 2 times that it rose slowly upwards after lift off with my H+ 822/829. Nothing rapid, but still noticeable. I gave a few taps of "down" trim (left pad) to stop it.
Discovered both times that I had bumped trims up, returning it to center stopped the drift. Check your trims on the H+.
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Check your trims on the H+.
I was unaware of this. When did we trim control on the Plus? Are sure? Does anyone else have trim control on the H Plus? Please chime in.

Back to my experience, trim control had absolutely nothing to do with the phenomenon. Only change was location and that corrected it. Every time. This is repeatable.
Notice labels on the pad controls, T1, T2, T3, T4. Corresponds to trim for each control
Yes they are there, yes they show a change when you tap them in the Hardware Monitor, no they do not affect any control on the aircraft. In any way. You can tap on these all day, any change in aircraft behavior is strictly coincidence. These have always been dysfunctional on the H series, except on the H480 when Cruise control is initiated, the right tabs set the direction and speed.

To this day, they have no function on the Plus. We are all hoping that Yuneec will bring Cruise Control to the Plus someday.
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Weird. Maybe it was coincidence then on mine, or my imagination. It was climbing slowly and I used the trim to stop it, or at least I thought I did. Mind control then!!! I'll confirm next time I fly.
Oh, I forgot to add something in my post earlier today. The last time I power cycled and it kept climbing, I switched to sport mode while it was climbing, and it stopped. I switched back to angle, and it went back to climbing. I landed it the last time in sport mode, with the slider on the slowest setting. It didn't shut the props off automatically, but I hit the red button once and they stopped normally. No emergency landing.
So we are a couple of weeks into 822/829 how is everyone finding it? What issues have you found apart from what has been mentioned. Is everything ok and you have not found any issues at all?
I think it is okay so far -involuntary ascend issue aside, and as I stated earlier I have my doubts that it is caused by the FW, since it only happens in very specific locations, and happens every time in those locations. I don't rack up the hours that others do, but so far there have been no issues, despite not having access to advanced calibrations. I have no glitches, no hiccups, no attempted flyaways, it has been rock solid so far. That said, I really don't see any improvement in any area either, except the time it takes to collect Sats, that seems to be faster, but I never time it so it's more of a perception.

The one thing that might have improved with the Build is my gimbal buzz. Within a day or two of installing 822/829 my buzz went away. as in gone! I know, don't ask! I hesitate to say anything at all because I don't want to jinx it, but it is gone now, and so are all my counterweights that it took to fix it. I'm done trying understand or guess what makes it come and just what makes it go away. I'm just glad it's gone!
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So we are a couple of weeks into 822/829 how is everyone finding it? What issues have you found apart from what has been mentioned. Is everything ok and you have not found any issues at all?
Have not done many flights with 829 but the two short ones I've made - inside a 'WiFi-bubble' - had no issues. Wind handling is excellent as always.
I really like the fact that the new builds (809/822/829) support more SD cards, as I now can use cards like Samsung EVO Plus 64GB (very good and dirt cheap) which was impossible to use previously.
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I think it is okay so far -involuntary ascend issue aside, and as I stated earlier I have my doubts that it is caused by the FW, since it only happens in very specific locations, and happens every time in those locations. I don't rack up the hours that others do, but so far there have been no issues, despite not having access to advanced calibrations. I have no glitches, no hiccups, no attempted flyaways, it has been rock solid so far. That said, I really don't see any improvement in any area either, except the time it takes to collect Sats, that seems to be faster, but I never time it so it's more of a perception.

The one thing that might have improved with the Build is my gimbal buzz. Within a day or two of installing 822/829 my buzz went away. as in gone! I know, don't ask! I hesitate to say anything at all because I don't want to jinx it, but it is gone now, and so are all my counterweights that it took to fix it. I'm done trying understand or guess what makes it come and just what makes it go away. I'm just glad it's gone!
Funny you should mention the buzz again, on 822 I have a slight buzz now when spinning the gimbal to the right, it goes past the point and then stops again. Also I have found the camera is jumping up and down slightly, if you zoom in at X2 you will see what I mean. After the upgrade I had to rebind the aircraft and the camera also. Strange update and I hdon't feel as confident with it as I did 784. 784 was most definitely rock solid. As for the zoom its a complete waste of time as it cannot be operated while recording, you have to stop and start recording to change. Nigh on useless feature. The 520 zoom is a pinch screen zoom and can be altered whilst recording.
Strange update and I hdon't feel as confident with it as I did 784. 784 was most definitely rock solid. As for the zoom its a complete waste of time
HERE! HERE! I was on the verge of reverting to 784 when 822 popped up. after trying it and finding no advanced calibrations, my trust went out the window, I was ready to cast a vote of No Confidence and try 784 again. However when the buzz went away after a couple days, I decided not to touch a thing! Since then no complaints, so I probably won't touch it. I have done no advance cal, and there seems to be no issues -so far.

I'm with you, digital zoom is a joke that isn't even funny. More like what we call a "Graoner". So many other things they could have given us that would truly be useful, too many to mention here. Perhaps all in good time. Sigh.....

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