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Datapilot stopped working while bird in the air - Twice!!! please help

Sep 3, 2017
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Hello, I experienced some massive heart palps as a result of the ST16s datapilot shutting down while the the H520 was flying (approx 15mins into the flight - was in a hover at the time approx 45m in height, 35m away from me).
I was performing some imagery collections at a Remembrance day service for a Client. Thankfully, the controls were still active.
I brought the machine home, landed, shut everything down, swapped out the battery, restarted then off again - same location and all went well for the next 20 mins. Landed, changed batt, then off again. On this occasion, In approx 12mins, Datapilot again shutdown and the machine began an auto return home however after approx 5 secs, control with RC was regained (however still no datapilot). machine landed and I then flew my dji product for the rest of the session with no issues.
Has anyone else experienced this with their ST16s / datapilot? I can't afford to use this for anymore work until I have this confirmed as sorted due to the obvious safety issues - I can only imagine what would have happened had I been further away with minimal vision.
Hi Peggy, I remember when the P4P with the integrated screen came out there were some similar issues....these were quickly fixed by dji - within 2 weeks. How can it be possible with a "mature" platform such as the 520 this is an issue - I am gobsmacked. This now limits my ops until a fix is forthcoming....basically forcing me to find a more reliable system....some of the areas I fly for my clients are extremely sensitive and this issue is not conducive to a safe op....bugger....somewhat regretting my decision at the mo to go with this setup...
Are you on the latest firmwares? And are you running ‘E’ firmware or ‘A’ firmware on the camera?
Are you on the latest firmwares? And are you running ‘E’ firmware or ‘A’ firmware on the camera?
Latest firmwares and E firmware on the camera. Have had no issues like this for over 12 months.
It's certainly not 'The Norm'. But I would suggest deleting DP and re-installing.
It's certainly not 'The Norm'. But I would suggest deleting DP and re-installing.

It has been the norm for a lot of pilots 10-8 and the 14 months I’ve owed one it happens on a regular basis. I’ve also reinstalled DP about 10 times in that period.
The chap asked a question and I answered it with the knowledge I have.
So let’s put it out there.
Who else has had DP crash on them while flying during the time they have owned their 520?
It has been the norm for a lot of pilots 10-8 and the 14 months I’ve owed one it happens on a regular basis. I’ve also reinstalled DP about 10 times in that period.
The chap asked a question and I answered it with the knowledge I have.
So let’s put it out there.
Who else has had DP crash on them while flying during the time they have owned their 520?

yep agree, happens all the time for me, on every version of firmware since i bought it 13 months ago.
latest niggle is camera keeps locking out on video, when i switch to photo mode it will allow me to take photos, then i find out video has still been shooting as well!! crazy. im getting very used to its niggles now
Never had a problem with disconnection and data loss since I had the H520 (October 2017), but I stayed on the 1.7.3-1.4.2 and E90 EU version 1.0.34 E.
I did not install the latest firmware because many have had camera problems at this time. For now, flights without problems.
Had DataPilot shut down just once while flying a survey. The H520 continued flying in survey mode while DataPilot reconnected. All OK after that.
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I have never had the Datapilot app crash or freeze during flight (yet). I do believe I had had it give me issues during ground work such as checking for updates, configurations, stuff like that.

For those experiencing “DP crashes all the time”... have you contacted customer support about these issues? If so, what was the recommended action?

It has been the norm for a lot of pilots 10-8 and the 14 months I’ve owed one it happens on a regular basis. I’ve also reinstalled DP about 10 times in that period.
The chap asked a question and I answered it with the knowledge I have.
So let’s put it out there.
Who else has had DP crash on them while flying during the time they have owned their 520?

Still not 'The Norm'. Even if a few pilots have had it occasionally. In 1.7 years I have had it 4 times and it has never effected flight. My Android phone maybe a couple times a year as well. But to be 'normal', would have to be almost every flight for every pilot. Not a few times for a few pilots certainly. And of course, asking "Who else has had DP crash on them while flying during the time they have owned their 520?" I would expect most pilots to say yes. But I certainly would not say that means it's part of 'normal' flight. But Yes, it can and does happen. It's important that the pilot does not let it bother them, as DP is separate from flight control.

Not picking on you @Peggy, just your choice of words. It's one of my many faults and left over from Law Enforcement and many days in court, "Words Mean Things".
Take Care..
I have never had the Datapilot app crash or freeze during flight (yet). I do believe I had had it give me issues during ground work such as checking for updates, configurations, stuff like that.

For those experiencing “DP crashes all the time”... have you contacted customer support about these issues? If so, what was the recommended action?

i spoke to tech support numerous times and got advised to keep up with all current firmware as a solution to binding problems will be coming in future updates, that was back in may. Filming always continues for me even when DP shuts down. Camera is due to go back for re-flashing and checking as soon as i've finished my next mapping job later this week.
In all honesty, on my last filming job 2 weeks back it didn't crash at all, but did do the "other" rather odd camera niggle i experienced instead.

but still, i love the 520, niggles and all.
It has also happened to me quite a few times, I have never lost control of the H520, only the crash program and restart the solo again, a matter of 10 seconds? Then it's the same to pass me again with the next battery and then not to pass me on another 10 flights. This happens to me from the beginning.

Now I also consider it something that should not happen but I take it as something "normal" for the mere fact that I never lose control of the aircraft.

The picture connection sometimes breaks when the climber rises into the air. The control works but the picture connection from the copter to the controller is cut off. (Distance between the chopper and the driver about 20 meters). The same happens occasionally regardless of camera and location (E50, E90 and CGOET). When the connection stops, the recording stops or fails to turn off at all. The controller can not find a GPS signal any time. The helicopter and driver software are reinstalled. The turtle setting also does not work after the latest update.
Is there a link to a older DataPilot version?
How do I get back ALL in the factory settings?

DataPilot Version:
Flight Controller Version 1.4.9
Firmware CGOET for H520 (EU) 0.2.10_E
Firmware CGOET for H520 Gimbal (EU) 1.39.6
Still not 'The Norm'. Even if a few pilots have had it occasionally. In 1.7 years I have had it 4 times and it has never effected flight. My Android phone maybe a couple times a year as well. But to be 'normal', would have to be almost every flight for every pilot. Not a few times for a few pilots certainly. And of course, asking "Who else has had DP crash on them while flying during the time they have owned their 520?" I would expect most pilots to say yes. But I certainly would not say that means it's part of 'normal' flight. But Yes, it can and does happen. It's important that the pilot does not let it bother them, as DP is separate from flight control.

Not picking on you @Peggy, just your choice of words. It's one of my many faults and left over from Law Enforcement and many days in court, "Words Mean Things".
Take Care..
I didnt take it as that @10-8, I respect all you are/have done for the 520 and you have a vast amount of knowledge that makes mine look like a puddle in an ocean. I hold respect for your testing and would not question it. The crashes do happen regular with me and it's easier for me to fix than to keep sending back. It is now out of warranty anyway.
I love the 520 and its sister H Plus. But there are issues and some of them big.
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If this were happening to me, or if it starts, I would be ordering spare controller. (I always feel the need for redundancy anyway.)

First and foremost, in an attempt to get a reliable unit. Second, if the reliable unit is acquired, I can then relax and work to get the unreliable unit fixed, one way or another.

I will not be satisfied with “the norm” if it crops up in my operations. My technical makeup won’t allow me to settle. [emoji41]

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If this were happening to me, or if it starts, I would be ordering s spare controller.

First and foremost, in an attempt to get a reliable unit. Second, if the reliable unit is acquired, I can then relax and work to get the unreliable unit fixed, one way or another.

I will not be satisfied with “the norm” if it crops up in my operations. My technical makeup won’t allow be to settle. [emoji41]


That would be nice if it was ST16S' fault, but I'm afraid it's the software's fault. We can order a software spare :eek:

Wait wait....................., haven't we been doing that for 14 months? :oops::oops::oops:

P.D.: The other option, if it happens a lot to someone, would be to delete everything, do a factory reset and reinstall everything. Let's remember that what crashes is the application that runs on the Android operating system. Everything outside and everything new inside.
That would be nice if it was ST16S' fault, but I'm afraid it's the software's fault. We can order a software spare :eek:

Wait wait....................., haven't we been doing that for 14 months? :oops::oops::oops:

P.D.: The other option, if it happens a lot to someone, would be to delete everything, do a factory reset and reinstall everything. Let's remember that what crashes is the application that runs on the Android operating system. Everything outside and everything new inside.

It’s not always the software that initiates a “software” crash.

40+ years in the computer service sector has taught me that. :)

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