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Do I have to compass calibration before flying?

Apr 23, 2018
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Does the controller(ST16) screen always prompt you to calibration before taking off?

"Every time it is used, the machine prompts for Compass calibration warning."
I heard this from someone, but I don't know if it's real. Because I have never seen.
The controller will bring up that warning when calibration is needed, but not every time, no. Most documentation states that the compass should be calibrated if you are more than about 100 km east or west from the location you calibrated last, or when the warning comes up on the ST-16. Since the compass calibration is also relative to magnetic north, north-south travel will have less of an effect on the compass.

Even if you do not move location regularly, I would perform the compass calibration maybe once a month... depending on how much you fly.
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the compass should be calibrated if you are more than about 100 km east or west from the location you calibrated last
That seems to be the best practice. The warning is really confusing. Some people see it on nearly every flight and others see it rarely. You have to learn how your particular machine behaves. I only take the warning seriously if it is repetitive or occurs higher than 20' altitude. Periodic warnings close to the ground I simply ignore.

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