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Faa Ban On Drones At National Landmarks

I tend to believe it's only a matter of time before there's a terrorist who will use a drone to deliver a bomb.
Seems the clowns in power didn't pay attention during history lessons.. if they ever went to class... Communism is where everyone is punished for the sins of no one.
Seems we really do have old school puritan die hard communists in charge, wanting to punish everyone for the sins of no one.
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That's how they do it in military boot camp. Peer pressure to improve can be very motivating.
Anyone see the YouTube video of a British drone pilot flying a Phantom 4 Pro all around & in a Naval Shipyard where they had one of their 2 new aircraft carriers in the docks scheduled to finish this fall? Anyway he "apparently" says that while filming above the ship that he got a high wind warning & this had to land immediately; his landing location was right on the deck of this carrier & he has pictures of how close it was to the Bridge etc. They apparently didn't notice much & so he didn't get fined, imprisoned or his drone taken but only a "ok don't do it again sir". The pilot went on to make a few good points 1. Luckily he was only had a payload of a camera & nothing else. 2. His drone has almost 2kg payload capacity & therefore if it where by chance flown by anyone with I'll intent example: ISIS then 2kg of C4 explosive could've done some good amount of damage, but for all that we all know as civilians C4 explosive could be a small firecracker compared to what advancement are out in the world today. Look it up on YT the ships name is "The Queen Elizabeth" one of 2 new aircraft carriers being built by 2022 but the first is scheduled to be Finished & blessed by the Queen herself in the next month or 2
It would not have ended so nicely in the USA. His drone would have been confiscated and he would have been arrested, held without bail, and charged with espionage. I doubt he would had the chance to get close enough to get his drone back.
It would not have ended so nicely in the USA. His drone would have been confiscated and he would have been arrested, held without bail, and charged with espionage. I doubt he would had the chance to get close enough to get his drone back.

and... years of litigation in the courts....
What really irritates the heck out of me is that the Federal Government Agencies think and believe that they own the Parks, National Forests and such, in reality, the Fed's own nothing. It all belongs to the people of the United States, yet when it comes to enjoying many of the National Forests and such, we the people, are prohibited from doing so and if we do go against the Fed's we can be fined and imprisoned. Case in point, driving four wheelers through national parks, campgrounds, etc. We have let the Fed's gain way to much power and we need to start stripping them down and open up our nations forests and such.
Be careful you’re not opening Pandora’s box. There are lots of corporations who would love to ravage our national lands for profit and leave us nothing. Also there are a lot of idiots who would do all sorts of things if a government agency wasn’t tasked to provide oversight of use of the land. Overall the current system might not be perfect but it works. I don’t want to see wildlife wiped out because there are no restrictions on use.

BTW the agencies are seriously underfunded.

Contact the appropriate agency with your ideas to improve things.
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Living in Arkansas I have seen literally thousands of Acres on National Forest Clear Cut for the timber. The back room dealings between the Dept. of the Interior and huge lumber concerns is enough to make you sick. They swap prime forest for land that has been clear cut and then laugh all the way to bank, meanwhile the Govt. just looks the other way. They ban four wheelers in the National Forests which is stupid because the trails made can become overgrown in a year of less. Many of the trails have been used by fire fighters to reach burning fires. The parks out west in the desert area's do not over come four wheeler and off road vehicle damage due to the extremely slow recovery rate, but the Dept of the Interior makes no distinction between a National Park out there and here, so we have to suffer because of stupidity and short sightedness.
I'm sorry to hear that the government has been so tough and irresponsible in Arkansas. I don't four wheel except for occasional trips into forest roads (usually fire roads) with my 4Runner. These are usually to access a waterfall for forgotten community for photography.

We've been more fortunate in NC. We have lots of public land held by both the national govt and our state govt.

The National Park Service which oversees our national parks has been significantly underfunded. For example, a number of places on the Blue Ridge Parkway are closed because of the need for repairs. Citizens have banded together though and we have a Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation that I contribute to that has raised money towards a number of initiatives.

There are also national forests in NC
National Forests in North Carolina - Home

Our state forests - North Carolina Forest Service

I also am a pest writing to my congressman and senators on an almost weekly basis to make sure they understand or at least hear about how much these resources mean to me.
Yep there are places we can't fly and there are places we can fly. nothing is perfect, find places you can fly and enjoy it. I think the rant and rage section is on Craigslist.
What really irritates the heck out of me is that the Federal Government Agencies think and believe that they own the Parks, National Forests and such, in reality, the Fed's own nothing. It all belongs to the people of the United States, yet when it comes to enjoying many of the National Forests and such, we the people, are prohibited from doing so and if we do go against the Fed's we can be fined and imprisoned. Case in point, driving four wheelers through national parks, campgrounds, etc. We have let the Fed's gain way to much power and we need to start stripping them down and open up our nations forests and such.
They are protecting OUR parks from people that should not have access to the parks in the first place. I have been run over by a stupid idiot riding a four wheeler on a trail in a national park. It was a foot path not an off road raceway. I do have a problem with some of the regulations they have come up with and they have closed way too many acres of land denying the use to anybody, except may the commercial interest in logging. If I had broken the law and carried my side arm with me that bozo probably would have met his maker that day.
No surprise there it was only a matter of time. Here we ha e a light house that people fly and have crashed I to several times. They restrict flights to after hours and when site is closed.

Yes, eventually they will be banned everywhere. My HOA banned them a couple of years ago. You are not allowed to fly them anywhere on the HOA property including your own property. If any real estate people want to photograph any properties in the HOA they have to get written permission from the HOA and they have to have insurance and the HOA has to be listed on the policy.
It seems unlikely local and HOA claims to control airspace will pass muster in the courts. The FAA owns the airspace and that has already been upheld in the courts when towns were challenged.
It seems unlikely local and HOA claims to control airspace will pass muster in the courts. The FAA owns the airspace and that has already been upheld in the courts when towns were challenged.
The Hoa can control the landing and takeoff from within the area. But if you take off and land outside off the Hoa area then they have no say.
The Hoa can control the landing and takeoff from within the area. But if you take off and land outside off the Hoa area then they have no say.

Don't HOA powers vary from state to state? In NC they seem to have unlimited powers that are not regulated in any way.

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