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Help Please...ST16, H and CGO3+ ISSUES!

Mar 25, 2018
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I am trying to get my H ready to fly next week, with ONE fair day showing in the forecast! I fired up the ST16 controller, then my H and the camera is refusing to connect or be seen by the controller. So, I thought maybe the firmware needed to be upgraded, so I downloaded both (Camera and Controller) to a PROPER SD Micro card and was trying to get it to update. Then somewhere in this process, I noticed that SD was N/A.

I have reformatted, etc and it remains unavailable...I can't even send a screen shot, cause I can't find the card or photos on the "non-existent" card...I can see all the videos and photos from previous missions on the ST16...I am truly at a loss to get this working...H E L P!!!


I might try to disconnect the camera and gimbal from the aircraft and then re install. It could be possible that if it has sat for a while the contacts could have gotten a little fowled. If everything worked the last time you flew it I don't think it is a firmware issue. Also there have been no updates to the Typhoon H in over two years (March 2017)so you likely have the latest. Good Luck.
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Just tried that Ty, I even cleaned the contacts with CRC QD Electronic Cleaner...No go. I still have no SD Card access...This is really frustrating (Heavy Sigh) lol

I got it! The H FINALLY connected to the WiFi and I was able to get the camera rebound and now everything is as it should be...Card shows, camera works, FPV Skyview googles are working...YAY!!!! Thanks for the Help and Support!

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When I first got my HPro, only the camera would bind, not the aircraft. The controller didn’t even see the aircraft to bind to it. I had to create a new model....then the controller saw it and blinded to it. Works great.

Perhaps the same idea with the camera? Create a new model and bind to it?
Hi Texas. Had this same problem last year with my H Pro's (on seperate occassions). Creating a new profile on the ST16 for the airframe fixed the problem.

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