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How would you handle it?

Sep 14, 2023
Reaction score
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hey, Hope everybody is well. Me and my H+ went down to the park a couple months ago and had set the drone on the path to warm up. Turned my back and heard a lot of noise coming towards me. Turned back around in time to see three kids go by on bikes. First kid missed. Second kid got it separating the camera by the wires and sending the drone about 5' or so down the path. I couldn't chase him because I had one other drone on the table and I couldn't grab it all. After cooling down a few days later and calling the city to see if that was a walking path a bike path or both. It isa walking path, no bikes. The drone has real sense on it but i don't know if it works as the drone only goes up, down and goes in a circle No forward or back or side to side. Cost me around 500.00 a month earlier. Need to talk to the parents now that the holidays are over. I'm thinking they should just pay for another setup like i had and they can have the wrecked one. What do you think? I really don't want the kid to get in trouble. It was an accident and he's probably suffered enough already by having to look over his shoulder to see if I'm there.
I feel bad for you. Accidents do happen. As a drone pilot ,we are responsible for all aspects of our flight ,including where we fly. I can imagine myself in that situation. First off a lot of parks do not allow drones, period.You did say this was an accident! In flight or on the ground I believe you are responsible. The shoe could be on the other foot if one of the kids would have been injured. We could go on and on about this. Is drone registered,? did you file a flight plan? Remote ID. like I say, complicated. What would a Judge say if this went to court.Kids will be kids.The fact they were riding on a foot path is a whole other issue. Very unfortunate for you but I think you may be opening a rats nest here. I would be angry at myself if it where me. Probably lucky you did not give chase, especially being angry. I would take this on the chin,chalk it up to experience. Sorry but I see no other way to solve this. The only reason I even answered this is you wrote ,,,What do you think!! Stay calm. Peace KC
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I agree with @7cyclops. Even if it was just a pedestrian runway, were you allowed to fly there? In Europe perhaps the rules are different from the United States, in the Open class it would not have been possible for us to fly in a park, even more so on a pedestrian area. I would rather worry about being in good standing, as a pilot, and above all being insured for civil liability. Maybe the kid didn't hurt himself, and he certainly won't go back with his bike to ride in that area, but if he was hurt and he was my son I would certainly come looking for you and even make a complaint about the incident.
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I agree with @7cyclops. Even if it was just a pedestrian runway, were you allowed to fly there? In Europe perhaps the rules are different from the United States, in the Open class it would not have been possible for us to fly in a park, even more so on a pedestrian area. I would rather worry about being in good standing, as a pilot, and above all being insured for civil liability. Maybe the kid didn't hurt himself, and he certainly won't go back with his bike to ride in that area, but if he was hurt and he was my son I would certainly come looking for you and even make a complaint about the incident.
If he got hurt (which he didn't) it's not a bike path and he shouldn't have been on it. Now if he was walking and tripped over it yeah, I could see where I may be liable. But at that point all i can say is you can't fix stupid. The City told me that they had my back if I needed them.
You need to test the ST16 using Hardware Monitor. It sounds like the right stick is not functioning correctly. Since the H still flies there may be nothing wrong with it.

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