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Landing gear

May 2, 2020
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So I'm rebuilding my Typhoon H and the only thing I have left is the landing gear. They both completly snapped off in the crash. Anyone know where I could get a reasonable complete set? I'm in the US and all i can find are very expensive. Thanks in advance
So I'm rebuilding my Typhoon H and the only thing I have left is the landing gear. They both completly snapped off in the crash. Anyone know where I could get a reasonable complete set? I'm in the US and all i can find are very expensive. Thanks in advance
So: the only thing left is the landing gear. Sounds like it would be cheaper ,by far to just buy a new Drone EH!!
Sorry I am just in that kinda mood. This CV-19 thing must be getting to me. I do,did,whatever,, understand you are looking for landing gear,so I just went to our new sponsor "Yuneec Skins" and I see he has them listed. Good to take a look. If you go to new forums there is a direct link there . Hope you have a sense of humor. Keith C.
Unfortunately with Yuneec not re-supplying major retailers in the US, you will need to pay some sort of surcharge, whether a higher price for the part itself or higher shipping costs from dealers in Europe that still have a stock of parts. It sucks having to pay $30-35 for a known $10 part, but it's that or start looking at a drone that that has not been discontinued.
What's actually broken? People on here have used new carbon fibre tubing in US which is widely available. There are threads on here.
What's actually broken? People on here have used new carbon fibre tubing in US which is widely available. There are threads on here.

All of it. The brackets the tubes attach to are gone. I need a whole new set of legs and everything.
Are the actuators still intact? Or did the crash take them out also. Check YuneecSkins.com.
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So I'm rebuilding my Typhoon H and the only thing I have left is the landing gear. They both completly snapped off in the crash. Anyone know where I could get a reasonable complete set? I'm in the US and all i can find are very expensive. Thanks in advance
terrestrial Imaging has them but not as a complete set you have to buy/use left over parts if you have them!

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