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Mantis Q while flying dropped from the sky

Apr 22, 2020
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Hello my mantis Q got an firmware update just before I left netherlands for Indonesia last summer. Before I had flown it like 5 times. Did have trouble calibrating compass. In Indonesia I did like 4 flights and on the last flight it was filming all stopped and it dropped from the sky. It had just a freshly charged battery and we were up like 3 minutes. On the retrieved video I see also that that stopped so no video of it falling. Afterwards I could start it again but some cracks and smashed up electronics. No connection possible anymore. I just put it aside and now that we are all at home because off the corona I saw it and I'm thinking what to do. Repair would be housing and electronics basicly a complete new one. Or did more people have had this problem and could it be firmware related and maybe still in warranty, it is less then a year old?

Decisions decisions, what to do?
This sounds like a battery separation during flight. Either from improper latching or from the battery swelling and popping the latch. Was the battery still latched in the aircraft after the crash? With the video ending also it is a definite loss of power, not just a failure of the motors.

Being in the EU you can probably get support from Yuneec Customer Support. You can refer to the linked thread and upload your flightlogs to the forum and we can attempt to determine the cause from that. How To: Retrieve Mantis Q Telemetry (Sensor) Files
Hello, the battery was still attached I could start again but could not link to the controller. I will look for the telemetry files.

Thanks for your usefull support!!!
I experienced the same sort of issue. I did not happened to get any updates. I just got this thing, Took it outside to show my body it was flying perfectly fine and then when I pressed returned home… It fell from the sky. The camera housing came undone just a little bit but otherwise there’s no cosmetic damage to it at all. Unfortunately now I am unable to connect to it and it says it is being controlled by another device. The remote will connect to it but no camera display shows up and I think the GPS isn’t functioning because the app will not locate the drone. I would sure be nice to fly this thing again. Any help would be utilized to the fullest extent. Thank you..

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