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MapView Overlay in the Core App or 3Rd Party app

Thanks Brent, people like you and a few others that have responded to my thread have restored my faith with this forum.

Unfortunately the story doesn't end here.

I picked up my H (with Intel ReaLSense) yesterday only to find out that it wasn't just an open box unit, but according to the telemetry data it had been used since last Dec 2016 and it had broken props to boot. I bought it from BUYDIG through eBay. BUYDIG states that an open box is a new item that's not been used and inspected throughly by their technicians. Very disappointed and I may just return it. I asked if they could send me another one, but they simply responded for me to send it back. My fear to keep it is not knowing what else is wrong with it.

Not a very good start overal.
Wow! Brutal experience.
I hope you get it worked out.
Wow! Brutal experience.
I hope you get it worked out.

Thanks, me too. I really would like to keep it, but it's the unknown. Maybe I'll fly it a few times before I have to return it and see what happens.

Do you recommend any specific things that I should be looking? No need to answer back, just if you have time and have something in mind.
About the way points... Your st-16 should have a H920 model setup. You load and bind your Typhoon H to the H920 model
and you will get the added functionality of a dedicated way point editor that SEEMS to be fully functional. I have set it up
and tested it (not flying). I'm pretty sure you will void any warranty if you use it and it fails. At this point, I am not sure
if anyone has tested it fully yet.

And yes, I like this forum but some folks seem to be hit or miss - defensive sometimes or come across as rude.
Sadly, that type behavior just drives people away. Remember that not all people on here are like that.

Don't do it that way.
A guy on here found a different way of doing it I just can't find his name right now. It involves download off your h profile and mod one string and then reupload.
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I'm new to Yuneec Typhoon H. I just purchased the Intel ReaLSense version and should be arriving this week. Very excited to get my hands on it.

This is not my first drone. I've owned the DJI Phantom 3 Advance and currently own a 3DR Solo and the GoPro Karma.

What I'm surprised and disappointed to discover is that the Typhoon does not have a mapview like both the 3DR Solo and GoPro Karma drones. I've been reading a lot of the comments in this forum and I'm very surprised to hear that some people are totally against it. The mapview is such a basic function that I just assumed that the Typhoon had it without giving it a second thought.

Has there been any news from Yuneec to have this functionality in a future build or any 3rd Party Developers to build this simple and yet so important function as a 3rd party app such as Litchi is for DJI products and Solex is for 3DR Solo?

Thanks for listening!
I ve seen somebody putting a trick by changing a few things in an st16 file and then insert it and you ll have the map on a waypoint mode for the H480 (its not the 920 s waypoint mod).i ve tried it a few tims and it worked perfectly for me.in the other hand we have the awesome Uav toolbox which im using for my missions.The map mode modification the guy did is usefull if you want to see where you H is heading on the map while having a small video screen in a scare and a full screen map(you can change each other for the full screen view).
Thank you everyone. I had seen this thread and at the time if it was that easy. If I end up keeping my H I'll give it a try.
Hi Everyone, just tried it out this evening and it worked, however I haven't flown it yet. Pretty slick when you think about it!

I do have to mention though, that when I edited the profile that I exported from my H, changed only the model number and name as instructed, reimported the model, did the whole binding thing and the waypoint application worked, but the app would not connect to the H. I also noticed that there was no craft info displayed on the main screen.

So what I ended up doing is downloading the zip file that was in the thread and loaded that one and magically everything worked. I'm wondering now if it's the way my version of the edited CSV file was saved! May be I should have just opened it using note pad instead of excel!

Thank you all for staying with this thread and helping me out with this.

Have a great remainder of the weekend.

I've been reading about it and seen a few YouTube videos on it. It's OK, but it's not integrated with the ST16. I still say that Yuneec or someone should go that extra mile to develop an integrate and much more elegant solution like most if the other big drone companies such as DJI.

UAV Toolbox IS integrated on the ST16, You load, it shows google earth, you plan the flight with parameters, then save it and it is in the CCC missions ready to use.
Hi Everyone, great news. I took out my "child" out for it's first flight yesterday and it performed flawlessly. I used the 480 model the whole time without an issue. The RealSense worked great. Although I did not have time to try out the waypoints, I did test the map overview and it works even without using the waypoints, like DJI Go app. That's great news.

The only thing I had or have concerns about is when I replayed my flight recording on the ST16 it was very jittery. I searched this forum and from what I read is that this may be primarily due to the fact that the ST16 doesn't handle high resolution (4K or 2.7k) videos because it's only 720. I'm going to dump the videos on my PC and downgrade them to a lower red and see if this is the case and there's nothing wrong with the camera.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to help me out and stick with the Typhoon.
The video stored on the ST-16 is not 4K, it's just a 720 downlink. Jitter can be caused either by poor radio link, or by processor limitations. As the internal video is just FPV, it is very common for radio reception errors to be seen in the recording that you won't notice during flight.

If you're running the 'map view' mode, the ST-16 is having to work a *lot* harder, so there may not actually be enough processing time to transfer the internal video. It's notable that the upgraded ST-16S that comes with the H520 has a more powerful processor, and this may be the reason - and also the reason that map view hasn't been generally released to H480 owners.
The video stored on the ST-16 is not 4K, it's just a 720 downlink. Jitter can be caused either by poor radio link, or by processor limitations. As the internal video is just FPV, it is very common for radio reception errors to be seen in the recording that you won't notice during flight.

If you're running the 'map view' mode, the ST-16 is having to work a *lot* harder, so there may not actually be enough processing time to transfer the internal video. It's notable that the upgraded ST-16S that comes with the H520 has a more powerful processor, and this may be the reason - and also the reason that map view hasn't been generally released to H480 owners.
Hi Tuna,
Thank you for the feedback. Sorry if I wasn't very clear because I was referring to the video directly from the SD card. I have no problem with the transmission between the camera and the ST16 during the flight.
Hi Tuna,
Thank you for the feedback. Sorry if I wasn't very clear because I was referring to the video directly from the SD card. I have no problem with the transmission between the camera and the ST16 during the flight.

How powerful is the PC you're trying to playback on?
What media player are you using?
After reviewing the video on my computer, like you implied, the quality and the results depend on the speed of the computer. I have no issues with the video on the computer.

My entire concern was the fact that I was seeing the poor quality when I was reviewing the video from the SD card on the ST16. At the time I wasn't sure if it was the camera or not. I did not realize that the ST16 wasn't able to display the results of a high res video. I assumed that it automatically downgraded it to its supported resolution to at least view the results as properly.
After reviewing the video on my computer, like you implied, the quality and the results depend on the speed of the computer. I have no issues with the video on the computer.

My entire concern was the fact that I was seeing the poor quality when I was reviewing the video from the SD card on the ST16. At the time I wasn't sure if it was the camera or not. I did not realize that the ST16 wasn't able to display the results of a high res video. I assumed that it automatically downgraded it to its supported resolution to at least view the results as properly.

Ah, makes sense. Unfortunately you can't downgrade a video without decoding the whole thing - and a 4K video is a *lot* of data to handle. As others have found, even some pretty good laptops can struggle to playback reliably, so the relatively basic ST-16 doesn't stand much of a chance.

Glad you've got a 'fix' for the problem though - there's nothing worse than unidentified odd behaviour.
Ah, makes sense. Unfortunately you can't downgrade a video without decoding the whole thing - and a 4K video is a *lot* of data to handle. As others have found, even some pretty good laptops can struggle to playback reliably, so the relatively basic ST-16 doesn't stand much of a chance.

Glad you've got a 'fix' for the problem though - there's nothing worse than unidentified odd behaviour.

Thanks for all your time and help.

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