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New camera connection problem: Controller will not let me exit settings!

Jan 13, 2019
Reaction score
Isle of Man
I'm trying to apply the camera connection fix as per this thread (CGO3+ wont connect)
The St16 screen keeps showing up a window saying "Camera type not match. Please select right camera type!"
The only thing I can do is select OK and it goes straight into camera settings etc.
Now, none of the cameras are accepted, refresh, bind, all that doesn't work, keeps saying wrong camera or no camera connected which is the obvious problem those of us experienced this know about.
The problem I have is, if i exit this screen (using the return button - the others don't respond) it just brings up the same window again!
I cannot get around this, I need to be able to exit this loop so i can follow the procedure of duplicating my H profile.
Does anyone know how i can exit this loop?
I've tried rebooting, also leaving the bird off or on, I've tried quickly hitting settings between the time the window comes up - no joy.
Anyone got any ideas?

Can you connect it via the camera app? The CGO3 stand alone app I’m talking about. Can you see it’s WiFi Signal through the WiFi settings on the actual
Android tools at the ST? That would eliminate WiFi problems in theory if you can connect to the camera with a phone or tablet. I’m assuming the camera does snap to center when the H boots up and is turning on WiFi for these checks.
From the first photo, doesn't look as if the ST-16 is connected to the H at all. There is no data coming from the H. I'd try the binding process all over again.
Also see if there maybe a firmware mismatch.
I can't even get to the Android tools on the ST :(
I turn it on and straight away the window pops up and doesn't let me do anything else but go into cam settings and only way out is return button bringing me to home screen with popup again.
I have been unable since day 1 to connect to my phone's wifi hotspot - addressed this in a seperate post - never did get it sorted, so I can't even connect via any app.
Yes the camera comes on and even starts flashing green!
Really stuck here!
From the first photo, doesn't look as if the ST-16 is connected to the H at all. There is no data coming from the H. I'd try the binding process all over again.
Also see if there maybe a firmware mismatch.
you're right, i think the H binding was lost shortly after the camera was lost. But like i say, I can't get into any settings in the ST to do anything :(
Ok, i can get the bird connected as described in that video, see 1st photo ( @ArtCox @AH-1G )
I can also get the camera connected via cgo3 app on my phone - see 2nd photo ( @CraigCam )
However, the st16 refuses still to recognize the camera, no matter what i try.
Still brings up the wrong camera window and cannot find the cam as before.
Maybe i need to try a firmware upgrade off an sd card on the controller?
Even if the firmware is the same (as in - uptodate) perhaps it will rewrite and fix itself?
I also wondered if it might be a problem with the antenna but ive tried the patch and the radar and still no joy.

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Took the battery out of the controller for 15+ minutes, then did a firmware reinstall on it, tried everything again, bird connects, phone connects to cgo3 but st16 still not seeing it.
I reckon the wifi board in the st16 is shot, even tho its virtually brand new!
Also can't think why it would suddenly happen, i never switched on without the antenna connected!
Think I've seen other posts on here with shot wifi boards.
Dont think i have warranty anymore but will try my luck.
Are yuneec any good at email support?

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So judging by the other posts on here with the same problem - it's back to yuneec she goes (the transmitter anyway).
Every manufacturer has issues, its normal and gets ironed out over time, i understand that.
Did you try the firmware reinstall via the SD card? What version are you loading? You can find past versions here I believe in a sticky post. I have kept a hard copy of every new copy so I may have one that you can rollback to and then roll up to current. I’m sorry if I missed something but this problem was their from day one?

It seems like you are making headway and it sounds like the camera profiles got corrupted somehow more then anything else. I would think writing over them with fresh firmware would fix it potentially. Yuneec may be able to send you a version you use via the GUI to bring it back to “basic” then you have to reinstall firmware after that but that usually for a bricked out bird not a camera. But I would think they could send you camera data that you’d put on an SD card and put in the camera and let it do it’s thing on power up. Remember if you do go this route, that nothing but the intended install proper folder is the only thing on the card and it’s not buried in any sub folders.
@CraigCam Yes i reinstalled current firmware yesterday but didn't change anything [emoji31]
Pretty sure the board is fried, will email yuneec uk on monday.
You think older firmware could resolve this IF its not the board?
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Are you selecting the CGO3 or the CGO3+ ? You should have a CGO3+.

Thanks, I've sent it off for repair, under warranty still, after reading a lot of other members posts i reckon the wifi boards fried in the st16.
I had tried a firmware reinstall and the cam did work on the app but nothing on the controller.
That’s possible or an antenna disconnected. That mini coaxial connection is pretty sketchy and always will be. The attention to detail and quality control is like we used to be where a car built on a Monday or Friday was often suspect and became lemons. I’ve gotten lots of lemons over the years from various global companies that all seem to build in China.

My Zino controller has a burnt up USB board from too much heat at the solder points. The card was forced into the housing and the battery won’t charge at all. The build quality inside that control is very very poor. Unfortunately, their USB card looks a lot like the one Yuneec used in first generation ST16s which also had internal battery charging issues. So it’s not unusual to have faulty internal components inside these products.

You’ve trouble shot this as far as it will go short of finding someone with a working 480 and bind your bird and camera to their ST. If that works then for sure it’s your controller as you have theorized.

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