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Out of range

Nov 16, 2016
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Hi guys. I'm new with drones and I'm afraid of typhoon h do when is out of range. It go home? Or what?

Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
First rule is don't fly too far away. Most responsible people will only fly as far as they can see the UAV ( I HATE the word 'drone').

If, for some reason you want to test the range, then yes, the H is supposed to automatically return to home if it loses signal.
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If the H loses control signal it will fly back home or close enough to regain the signal. If you do lose the signal it's better to switch to RTH until it gets close enough for you to take control. You may want to set the RTH altitude to something like 40 or 50 meters so it clears everything on the way home.
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Question... I know the aircraft will not start up within a NFZ. But what if you are just outside of a NFZ...
If your flight crosses that border into the NFZ, what will happen? Will the Typhoon RTH? Lose power
and fall out of the sky? Call your parents and tell them to ground you to your room? o_O
I believe a NFZ is like a Geo-fence. The bird will simply stop at the boundary and won't go any further.

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