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PART 2: What’s the new feature you want the H Plus to have.


Jan 21, 2019
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This is a continuation of: What's the new features you want H plus to have?

Kindly keep the thread going by only replying with a list of features in a numerical list to what you would like the H Plus to have.

I’ll start.


1) All the features and settings of Typhoon H be transferred over to the Typhoon H Plus.

2) Waypoint feature of the H520 be implemented to the Typhoon H Plus.
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I would like to still like to see some active tracking like they have on the anafi. The roi transfered from the h520 and exposure controls on the d pads [emoji3][emoji106]
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I would like to still like to see some active tracking like they have on the anafi. The roi transfered from the h520 and exposure controls on the d pads [emoji3][emoji106]

Kindly make a numerical list. And let’s keep it Yuneec.
1. Enable LOG format recording for video.
2. Remove DNG + JPG and give us DNG only option.
3. Increase interval timings. 3 second for intervals utilizing DNG only mode.
4. Shutter/ISO/Exposure controls assigned to D-Pad buttons.
5. Allow changing of Shutter speed and ISO settings WHILE recording. (Settings set prior to recording are locked when in record mode and cannot be adjusted)
6. Voice alerts for critical failures (GPS Signal Lost, Obstacle detected, Battery level call outs at customized percentages)
7. Unlock 100Mbps bitrate for all video settings and not just 4k/60 in H264. (Currently you can only achieve 100Mb bitrate when set to 4K/60 in H264. All other settings default to 50-60Mb/s bitrate which doesn't make sense)
8. Provide an accessible menu for advance tuning functions for the flight characteristics (joystick curves, autopilot, gimbal curves)
9. Waypoint selections. (Not for mapping reasons, but for video and time-lapsing reasons. Curved Cable is not the same)
10. Sleep function on the STS16 so I can have it on standby and can click a button to wake it up instead of shutting down and booting up everytime.
11. Give us the ability to assign the AUX button a function, whether it be disabling GPS or whatever we want it to do.
12. Last but not least, open source the software for all hardware. Unlock the C23, unlock the pix4 hardware.
Kindly make a numerical list. And let’s keep it Yuneec.
Hard to make it yuneec only when they as far as I know don't have many basic features you would expect in a drone released in 2018, like active track implemented anywhere yet.

But let's keep it yuneec and not evolve [emoji848]

1. Camera control on the d-pads would be nice.
2. ROI ported from the h520.
3. Open up for the existing camera lineup.
4. Yuneec to release a series of ND filters.
5. Tested and more stable firmware releases.
6. AEB settings.
7. Faster or shorter time intervals.
8. Bursts working in more than three when shooting dng.
9. Option to only shoot dng.
10. Better manual (that the community haven't made)
11. Easier NFZ removal in EU.
12. Ability to show a real map.
13. Better rate curves so we actually manually can fly and record smooth footage.
14. A LOG profile even flatter than original.

Don't get me wrong I'm happy with my plus just think that it could be far better with a little work from yuneec [emoji3]
  1. Cruise Control.
  2. Expo curves, gain, sensitivity.
  3. Gimbal sensitivity adjustment.
  4. Waypoint Mission capability.
  5. Adjustable manual ISO, EEV, F-Stop.
  6. ST16s memorize and keep the last camera settings.
  7. Sequential file numbering.
  8. Customizable picture style
  • Sharpness.
  • Contrast.
  • Saturation.
10. Dynamic picture mode. LOG​
  • Fix Histogram (user gets stuck, when logging to home WiFi)
11. Battery temperature reading.​
12. Battery log.​
13. Offline map navigational display (NO MORE COMPASS, please)​
Address the current Typhoon H Plus.​
1) Make the "Aux" button configurable to an output on the drone that you could customize. Turn on navigations lights, activate klaxson (Scare away hawks).
2) Make it so I don't loose connection just because I flew behind a tree.
3) Configure the 4 way arrow buttons to control the gimbal. I cannot pan and tilt at the same time. (What are those 4 way buttons for anway?)
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1. Enable LOG format recording for video.
2. Remove DNG + JPG and give us DNG only option.
3. Increase interval timings. 3 second for intervals utilizing DNG only mode.
4. Shutter/ISO/Exposure controls assigned to D-Pad buttons.
5. Allow changing of Shutter speed and ISO settings WHILE recording. (Settings set prior to recording are locked when in record mode and cannot be adjusted)
6. Voice alerts for critical failures (GPS Signal Lost, Obstacle detected, Battery level call outs at customized percentages)
7. Unlock 100Mbps bitrate for all video settings and not just 4k/60 in H264. (Currently you can only achieve 100Mb bitrate when set to 4K/60 in H264. All other settings default to 50-60Mb/s bitrate which doesn't make sense)
8. Provide an accessible menu for advance tuning functions for the flight characteristics (joystick curves, autopilot, gimbal curves)
9. Waypoint selections. (Not for mapping reasons, but for video and time-lapsing reasons. Curved Cable is not the same)
10. Sleep function on the STS16 so I can have it on standby and can click a button to wake it up instead of shutting down and booting up everytime.
11. Give us the ability to assign the AUX button a function, whether it be disabling GPS or whatever we want it to do.
12. Last but not least, open source the software for all hardware. Unlock the C23, unlock the pix4 hardware.
5. Are there any drone or camera support such feature?
10.ST16 is a little too old android system, maybe this feature would be possible if h+ could support pad or mobile display in the future.
  1. Cruise Control.
  2. Expo curves, gain, sensitivity.
  3. Gimbal sensitivity adjustment.
  4. Waypoint Mission capability.
  5. Adjustable manual ISO, EEV, F-Stop.
  6. ST16s memorize and keep the last camera settings.
  7. Sequential file numbering.
  8. Customizable picture style
  • Sharpness.
  • Contrast.
  • Saturation.
10. Dynamic picture mode. LOG​
  • Fix Histogram (user gets stuck, when logging to home WiFi)
11. Battery temperature reading.​
12. Battery log.​
13. Offline map navigational display (NO MORE COMPASS, please)​
Address the current Typhoon H Plus.​
#11 and #12 mean new smart batteries system, maybe will result in all current batteries can not re-used, it costs many additional money.
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#11 and #12 mean new smart batteries system, maybe will result in all current batteries can not re-used, it costs many additional money.

Battery temp. And voltage reading within autopilot is a doable feature.
5. Are there any drone or camera support such feature?


10.ST16 is a little too old android system, maybe this feature would be possible if h+ could support pad or mobile display in the future.

I don’t believe that the ST16s cannot have the same current feature as the H, when basically autopilot is merely a QGroundcontrol platform.
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5. Are there any drone or camera support such feature?
10.ST16 is a little too old android system, maybe this feature would be possible if h+ could support pad or mobile display in the future.

Ummm, you might want to grab an unsold 920 Plus and CGO-4 off the shelf. Much of what was referenced in the quote was present in the 920 Plus and ST-16.

Just put back what was removed.

OTOH, product improvements usually mean that new things will have to be incorporated. If improvements are to be limited by the equipment previously or currently on hand there is little hope for much in the way of new functionality. People and companies unwilling to step outside of their box or comfort zones are always restricted to where they are now.
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What was troubling with linsonW’s post was what appeared to be a desire to continue modification of old technology instead of adapting and incorporating new (to them) technology. As PX4 has tremendous expansion and adaptive capability any restrictions can’t possibly be attributed to FC coding. Someone doesn’t want to pay for new hardware.
What was troubling with linsonW’s post was what appeared to be a desire to continue modification of old technology instead of adapting and incorporating new (to them) technology. As PX4 has tremendous expansion and adaptive capability any restrictions can’t possibly be attributed to FC coding. Someone doesn’t want to pay for new hardware.

I was a bit confused as well. As to think, that the most and all platforms are based around PX4. If they want to add features in the apk application it is very doable or even datapilot as the working interface of the TH Plus.
Yuneec has employed versions of Pixhawk and PX4 since at least the Q-500. PX4 came about with the 520 and H Plus. If we look at what is available as a base standard with either one we can only wonder why we don’t have those features available to us, instead being prevented from accessing them.

They’ve had the world laying at their feet waiting to be picked up but they keep passing it by. What might they be afraid of? Success?
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The H Plus is dead... Lets not act like we don't know this. We know Yuneec has stopped supporting it for consumers. We already know Yuneec is working on another platform and to be honest... Good for them. I'm sure it will suck like the rest of them. Can anyone on this forum attest to asking for digital zoom on the H plus.... NO! you can't! But Yuneec somehow gave it to us during their electronics show to make people believe the H plus is still a valuable platform but its not for them. You know why, because they don't give a crap. The plus is dead, you and I know it and so does everyone else, not even a tech from engineering is going to change that because if he truly was someone from Yuneec, we would have seen results. Instead we see crap and that is exactly what we will continue to see from them. Stop feeding them on, you're just giving them feedback for their "super H plus" that will cost more than the previous drone and probably have the ability to fly way points before they release a broken update to give it the ability to name your drone. Tired of the BS from yuneec.
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Yuneec has employed versions of Pixhawk and PX4 since at least the Q-500. PX4 came about with the 520 and H Plus. If we look at what is available as a base standard with either one we can only wonder why we don’t have those features available to us, instead being prevented from accessing them.

They’ve had the world laying at their feet waiting to be picked up but they keep passing it by. What might they be afraid of? Success?

If they employed a competent engineering team, you wouldn't be posing the questions. The problem they lack is the ability to capitalize on the platform they have when the made 520 do the same thing everyone wants but lacked the photography abilities the a drone should have. If Yuneec open sourced their software, the drone would take on a dominating factor in the industry but since they couldn't restrict it, the lock it out so you are forced to by the now inferior H520. They are afraid to lose the ability to make money on their drone and that is their down fall. Lets hope they go down quickly because honestly, they absolutely suck as a manufacture for drones.
By the way... If you think this is a rant... Good but I'm tired of hearing from the same person on this forum..... Oh we can't do that... oh we'll see if we can make that an update... oh the hardware is to old for that... I have tablets from 5 years ago running the latest android interface... please lead us on to your "fixes". We know your scheme and we are tired of it, produce results or back down as a drone company because the last thing you are is a company who listens.
The saving grace for Yuneec right now is by providing features, and constantly work on improving better connectivity, and now that cat is out of the box.

Yuneec will drop the biggest bombshell on us all, and it is very hard to believe that they will do so, since the TH Plus has not been in the market for a long period of time.

I am not trying to create a rumor, nor does Jack, this is why I wrote this thread, hoping for a last plea that in hopes Yuneec would listen.

I will still fly my Yuneec Typhoon H Plus, but I cannot see myself, purchasing another Yuneec product.
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