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PART 2: What’s the new feature you want the H Plus to have.

The saving grace for Yuneec right now is by providing features, and constantly work on improving better connectivity, and now that cat is out of the box.

Yuneec will drop the biggest bombshell on us all, and it is very hard to believe that they will do so, since the TH Plus has not been in the market for a long period of time.

I am not trying to create a rumor, nor does Jack, this is why I wrote this thread, hoping for a last plea that in hopes Yuneec would listen.

I will still fly my Yuneec Typhoon H Plus, but I cannot see myself, purchasing another Yuneec product.

Can't bargin or threaten a company who doesn't value their consumer.
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Been on the sideline a little while because instead of spending time in here complaining about missing features on the H Plus I took it out flying [emoji3]


Where are all these rumors of a new drone coming from?

I clearly remember last year how many h520 where out there and pilots called them paperweights.

I don't think any drone on the market have received that many updates like the h520 has in the last 4 months.

Don't you think that we will see a focus on our plus when it settles a little with the h520.

I saw that a firmware was released the other day and looking back h plus usually follows within a month.
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I love your positive attitude, you are never the one to have any real input, and let me say it again. There are no pity rumors to spread.

I have no idea that it has taken a year for the H520 to be what it is today. That is a real shame! Now, I understand why the H520 is not popular in the industrial field. Let’s face it, people talk.

I’ve had my TH Plus Aug of last year, so far “camera zoom” feature has been added and the common tools IMU, GYRO, RC MAPPING are now password protected.

On my behalf, I don’t go flying, but rather, I go to work, and I’m frustrated, when I fly my Yuneec, because again, I know that our drone has a lot of potential.
Pretty hard to develop a customer base by creating a string of firmware updates for functions that should have been present, and working properly, out of the gate.

Yuneec hasn’t had a success story since the Typhoon H, although they have had several opportunities for more, yet they make the same mistakes over and over again. Despite all the efforts of DJI to derail that product release the H did, and still does, well. When we think about it, Yuneec hasn’t generated a “break through” product since they released the 360* gimbal.

If we were an employer with an employee we really liked, how long could we keep that employee on the payroll if the employee continually made the same mistakes and refused to learn from them?

When we buy something we are in effect telling companies that we need them and support them in their decision making. For companies to be supported they need to support their customer base. If and when companies fail to fulfill the needs of customers, the customers are forced to seek other companies that WILL fulfill their needs.

Since about 2017 we have observed actions by Yuneec that are indicative of someone in financial distress. Reorganizations, eliminating management positions, staff reductions, dividing and relocating company facilities, outsourcing customer service, decreased advertising, missing release dates, and understaffing. We have watched the loyal customer base decrease with each new product release, which does nothing to increase profitability.

It didn’t have to be that way and there’s still a chance to turn things around, but they have to listen to their customers and work harder at doing things right before they release a product. Features and quality have to be present when a product is initially released. Correcting production and design errors after release just pushes undecided potential customers to other companies, where they develop new loyalties based on product performance.

For a company to succeed they have to provide a product or service that customers want and need. Products and services have to provide good value for the price paid, things Yuneec has failed to do since the Typhoon H.

Sure, they’ve released the 520 and the H Plus but neither has provided anywhere close to the value for the price demanded. It’s pretty hard to justify spending $2000.00 to $4000.00 for products when you can buy alternatives that do as much or more for $500.00 to $2500.00 less while knowing they will function correctly out of the box. If we were to do a little research and performance comparisons we night find that Yuneec has been marketing some really high priced products that possess only about $1,500.00 of feature and function value.

Many, including myself, would love to see Yuneec succeed. Their presence is necessary to the competitive marketplace and to help development of new features and functions that permit users to better achieve their goals. To do that Yuneec needs to become more forward thinking, creating products that at minimum achieve parity with other manufacturer’s in features and performance. But we grow weary of trying to support a company that insists on remaining 3 years behind the competition.
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I totally agree with this analysis. But do not you think we've all written and rewritten our wishes for too long to have a great product?
Yuneec is said to read this forum? Yes, with welding glasses! :rolleyes:
For me, the main assets were:
6 engines
less than 2 kg
returning train
360 camera
The overall architecture was unbeatable, but the software side, the evolution stagnates too much

I do not believe in father Christmas anymore
You accurately described the problem. Provide what people want and they’ll beat down your door to get it. We have told them. We’ve told them a thousand times over. Their competition has shown them as well. Yet they either refuse to act or to listen.

This whole debacle reminds me of the only kid at a playground with a ball. Because it’s his ball all the other kids have to play by his rules. That has me thinking Yuneec’s CEO has the same attitude. Problem is, there are a lot of kids on this playground with a ball and any kid with a ball that wants to have a good team has to adapt to a more common rule set. In this case every buyer is the kid with the ball, with that ball being disposable income. We’ll put the ball where we can get the most out of it.

It’s a very simple game to understand and play. Those with a desire to play only need to “want to”. If you want to sit on the sidelines just refuse to play by the rules. The game is being played on a world sized playground, not a single country mind set sized one.
I love your positive attitude, you are never the one to have any real input, and let me say it again. There are no pity rumors to spread.

I have no idea that it has taken a year for the H520 to be what it is today. That is a real shame! Now, I understand why the H520 is not popular in the industrial field. Let’s face it, people talk.

I’ve had my TH Plus Aug of last year, so far “camera zoom” feature has been added and the common tools IMU, GYRO, RC MAPPING are now password protected.

On my behalf, I don’t go flying, but rather, I go to work, and I’m frustrated, when I fly my Yuneec, because again, I know that our drone has a lot of potential.

I am a born optimist :) that said just like everyone in here I miss features and stability in our drone of choice.

But I believe that just like the carpenter you have to learn to use the tool in hand properly before you can achieve a perfect result. If you ask me if our tool is evolving fast enough the answer would be no, and just like everyone in here I have my moments of frustrations.

The Plus has the basic functions you would expect to see in a drone Orbit, Orbit POI, Journey, Follow me Watch Me, CCC but it also has a 360-degree rotating camera and if you mix any of those functions you actually have a pretty good chance at making something truly "yuneec". I would love to see a smoother rate curve, but it looks like @TyPilot have invented dirt cheap solution for smoother flight and I can't wait to try it out.

One thing this drone has that no other drone in its class can beat is incredible wind stability. I have flown this in weather that would kill any other drone in the market and since I got this drone last July I have never canceled a flight due to the wind.

I recently discovered that the zoom function is actually pretty useful in video modes especially here in Denmark where we can't fly closer than 50 meters to roads with speed limits above 69km/h, I agree that it is the most useless function in photo mode but in video it gives us some more range and the possibility to go in even tighter without compromising our drone.

2x zoom

I know not many pilots myself included have use of or even the finances to buy a second st16s and a partner to film in team mode, but if the camera control in team mode is as smooth as in CCC with free camera pan I could only imagine what a skilled pilot and camera operator can produce with this drone. And correct me if I'm wrong but Yuneec did release this in one of the very first updates.

Lol after reading some might think I am affiliated with Yuneec, but to tell you the truth I am just an at times slightly frustrated Plus pilot protecting my investment and doing my best to get familiar with the tools I have put a lot of money in.
They are indeed good platforms but with very little work could become great platforms. Consider that the 520 and H Plus are exactly the same aircraft with the exception of color. The only real difference is the software, which somehow has one worth a couple grand more than the other. We run into a problem where the expensive one can’t do what the less expensive one can, features that are traditionally common to all camera rigs. A little better planning would have had the expensive one doing what it does as well as having the less expensive unit features. Even better planning would have allowed the ability to expand the less expensive unit to match the expensive one through a firmware for a fee upgrade. Value justification if you will.

Something that only those performing pilot and separate payload operator activities can appreciate is having separate views on their image screens. The payload operator is focused on capturing an activity or scene while the pilot is concerned with flying the aircraft. The pilot needs to see where he’s going while the camera person mostly cares about where he is at and keeping the camera on target or maintaining flow. They need to have different views on each screen but lacking an FPV camera that can’t happen. Instead each is limited by the other.

The single operator needs cruise control. Although Yuneec has started to finally get with that program we might note that TyPilot had been sitting on his Steady Drive for the better part of a year waiting to see what Yuneec would do to correct that deficiency. If one guy could come up with a hardware solution that long ago why couldn’t Yuneec have come up with a software solution in less time? It’s not like they had never done it before.

So we have the basis for a good platform but miss the boat big time with execution. You can’t subtract performance and features from new, higher priced product, they must have more features and performance to justify purchase. People don’t want a machine only a third or half completed, especially if that completion level/feature set fell well short of what their competitors sold for less $.

I don’t believe that the ST16s cannot have the same current feature as the H, when basically autopilot is merely a QGroundcontrol platform.
I don't find H could support standby feature.
The H Plus is dead... Lets not act like we don't know this. We know Yuneec has stopped supporting it for consumers. We already know Yuneec is working on another platform and to be honest... Good for them. I'm sure it will suck like the rest of them. Can anyone on this forum attest to asking for digital zoom on the H plus.... NO! you can't! But Yuneec somehow gave it to us during their electronics show to make people believe the H plus is still a valuable platform but its not for them. You know why, because they don't give a crap. The plus is dead, you and I know it and so does everyone else, not even a tech from engineering is going to change that because if he truly was someone from Yuneec, we would have seen results. Instead we see crap and that is exactly what we will continue to see from them. Stop feeding them on, you're just giving them feedback for their "super H plus" that will cost more than the previous drone and probably have the ability to fly way points before they release a broken update to give it the ability to name your drone. Tired of the BS from yuneec.
H+ and Mantis are the two most important platforms from Yuneec. Just as many pilots complains, they hope Yunnec delieve qualify production instead many patches to fix bugs. It would take some time for new feature dev&test and HW alternation, and also better to put these important features together to avoid something missed. It's a drone as professional tool, not a toy under $100
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The problem, when Yuneec puts out a new product it comes with many issues. Why are these not fixed during beta tests prior to selling in the market? Listen to your customer, the consumer who is using this day and day out.

You need to have aftermarket apps and products, not a one shoe fits all mentality!
Unfortunately Yuneec's CEO lacks the ability to understand marketing, and lacks the ability to make a great drone into the most awesome drone.
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The manufacturers have in a way paid attention to what consumers have been telling them with their spending habits. What they have learned is that consumers will rush out to buy any new product that has a promise of a new feature, one needed or not. They have also learned that although some call their purchase an “investment” many of them operate them like toys, and in so doing assure a series of repeat buys to replace user damaged product.

They have also learned that consumers don’t learn. Despite virtually every newly released model demonstrating issues with camera performance, firm/software errors, and other malfunctioning features they will continue to buy untested, unproven models with little thought about correcting the issues until after they own one.

We won’t see much in the way of resolution until people stop buying stuff they know will have problems. When we stop buying it will force the makers to fully test and refine pre production units prior to committing to a production run. Short version is when we stop throwing our money at them they will either change their ways or starve. As most all of them are in this to get rich quick -today- with little thought for tomorrow they will change their ways as most have leveraged themselves with long term debt to obtain short term cash.

Their culture is not tolerant of those that fail to pay their debts, something Yuneec has learned the hard way by limiting their supply chain through debt default. The 920 was not diminished and discarded because it had problems, that was done because the suppliers wouldn’t provide more product to build more. With any luck they have also already learned what happens when a company repeatedly fails to please their customers. The new products no longer sell in quantities high enough to cover development and production cost, let alone generate a profit. This is, IMO, where they are at now.

The market has changed from what it was 3 and 4 years ago. The buyers are maturing and know what they want and need to satisfy their personal and professional needs. They are buying what works, not what might work. If a model is to be released with limited features with promised of later upgrades the makers need to make clear statements describing upcoming features before a base model is released. Also needed is a sequence and timeline for upgrades. Lacking those buyers know that talk of upgrades is nothing but a baiting tactic.

Manufacturers have a choice to make, step up or step out.

Oh, almost forgot. Yuneec, you folks really need to expand your understanding of camera functionality. Putting out a new camera with a lens that “fisheye’s” doesn’t cut it today. Releasing a 20mpxl sensor that has to crop an image to correct for lens distortion no longer delivers a 20mpxl image. Digital zoom is not a zoom, it’s a crop and each level of digital zoom degrades image quality. Your 1”, 20mpxl E-90 provides lower image quality than the 1”, 16mpxl CGO-4, completely due to your lens choice. Fix it.
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One more thing before I leave this alone. Yuneec, You may not like what I'm telling you, you may not care to listen to your customers, thinking that you know more about what needs to be done than we do. Ignore us if you will but perhaps you might want to pay attention to a little company named Sony, a compnay that not that long ago was struggling to remain afloat in the market. They spent a little time and effort learning what their customers wanted and needed, bought a company named Minolta that provided a base platform to learn from, and develpoed new products and features to fulfill the needs of photographers. They developed a new product called the mirrorless camera that has become an industry standard. Take a look at last years photography equipment sales numbers. You find that Sony unit sales were greater than Nikon, Canon, and Panasonic - combined! That's what can happen when a company makes their customers happy by giving them what they want and need. The little guy can become the industry leader.
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Linson, you weren't around this forum when we heard news of the upcoming Plus over a year and a half ago and what you did not see play out on this forum was; how many pilots on this forum were on the one hand; excited and hoping against all hope that it would be as promised' but only to come back to our senses and say 'yeah but we doubt that will happen'. The Plus was released to Europe one month before here in the states and the discussions were about 'who is going to be the guinea pig or canary down the mind shaft'!

There were, and still are; customers sitting back waiting while many more have given up hope completely. Some you never knew, but whose walking away is heard clear as a bell to us. We as consumers must have faith in the products we buy - it is the life blood of any business. All of these posts in this thread show the frustration and loss of faith that is occurring right before our eyes.

Yuneec will only survive if it shifts it's focus from making gimmicky additions to try and attract new customers, to one in which; they show a true dedication to satisfy and keep existing ones.
As @Ty Pilot points out I'm one of those waiting for Yuneec to add features in the H+ that I now take for granted in the H480. Its a better aircraft than the TH480 but I'll continue to fly my TH480 for now.

In the meantime if Autel releases the EVO with a 1" sensor like they promised my money will go there.

With the exception of the Mantis Yuneec seems to be focused on their commercial aircraft over the last 6-12 months. Which may make sense for their business but it leaves a lot of us out in the cold.
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