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Pre-Flight check list for Typhoon H & H Plus

Hi KellyR, Exactly calibration is only required If Needed and that is why it's last. As calibration is not needed BEFORE every flight I put it last to jog memory only. I have calibrated only once and that was out of the box new and 4 years later still the original calibration even travelling 70km to fly. I also do not use a check list all the time but when on a job I do as I don't want to miss something which can be costly. cheers
4 years later? Did you get a pre production model? Thought US didn't get til April/May 2016.
I'd probably add "TAKE OFF CAMERA COVER" at the top. I think I forgot once. :confused:
If I still had one of those I'd have a sub-section about setting up video properly:

1. Cruise control bump (so it doesn't reset WB when activated in flight)
2. Choose and lock White Balance
3. Manual exposure - set ISO and Shutter speed.
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I just look at my drone and controller seeing what's needed to fly.
Turn this on, turn that on, beep beep here, beep beep there and off I go. ?
Satellite, not going to clue anybody in on how to use the st10 as camera control with a TH? I've searched this forum and the interweb and never found anything other than folks saying it's not possible.

Being totally sincere, it'd be fantastic to know how to do this and a real benefit to many TH flyers.
Satellite, not going to clue anybody in on how to use the st10 as camera control with a TH? I've searched this forum and the interweb and never found anything other than folks saying it's not possible.

Being totally sincere, it'd be fantastic to know how to do this and a real benefit to many TH flyers.
I have not got a clue how. It was done for me by a Techno a while ago. cheers
If I still had one of those I'd have a sub-section about setting up video properly:

1. Cruise control bump (so it doesn't reset WB when activated in flight)
2. Choose and lock White Balance
3. Manual exposure - set ISO and Shutter speed.
How do you do cruise control bump?
I too made one of those when I first started, and have never once referred to it in the field :) If you fly regularly, your pre-flights get memorised very quickly, but perhaps the process of making the sheet helps with that, so not a criticism...

No need to take off into the wind though ! It's a multirotor - it doesn't care what the wind is directionally doing when it is taking off, landing or at any other time !
The only time I would say you need to pay attention to that is when you are doing longer range flights that you are worried may tax the battery pack - then it makes sense to fly out against the wind so it is behind the craft for its return.
My personal experience with the H says it's a good idea to land into the wind, take off doesn't seem to matter, but my landings are a lot more stable into the the wind.
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