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Remove SD Card from "Downed" Drone....?

Dec 29, 2018
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Unfortunately we had a drone failure (or more likely a combination of Pilot and Apple's Siri....

Long story short, I was returning the drone to its landing spot (over water) once i had gotten the low battery warning...on its way back Apple's Siri must have heard something and it took over my phone and by the time I got back control, it was too low on battery to get t all the way back to safety. While bummed about my water-logged and ruined? drone, I would love to get some of the footage I had taken on the last flight...

Does anyone know if there is a way to take out the SD Memory card of the drone and grab the photos off? When I put a battery in the drone, thw white/blue light turns on, but nothing else....

Does anyone have any thoughts?


My apologies if a question similar to this has been already asked/answered...I looked but couldn't find...Cheers
i would have taken the SD card out put it in rice for a 4 hours then took it out and loaded it on to the pc the same with the drone place it in rice for 7 days the rice will extract the moisture from the drone then tried to turn back on the drone
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Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply. I did put the drone in a bag of rice...it was about 24 hrs ago...

Wondering how to remove the SD card...should i just start taking the drone apart? or any chance there are instructions somewhere? I googled but couldnt find anything....thanks for any help you or the forum might be able to provide...I think i got some pretty cool footage of my three year old son and uncle sailing before the incident...

That rice trick has been debunked as “folklore” by more than one reputable investigation team. Feel free to search to come to your own conclusions.

Just sayin’.


P.S. sorry to hear of the unfortunate dunking. 99% of my flights are over water so am always diligent of power levels, given little safety margin. This time of year though, the ice calms the nerves. Just have to hope it is thick enough should I need to venture out on it. [emoji33]
Yeah....Agree that the Rice is a long shot, but felt it was worth trying. Now I am more worried about how to get this SD card out...
Yeah....Agree that the Rice is a long shot, but felt it was worth trying. Now I am more worried about how to get this SD card out...
Some semi-informed suggestions...
Before taking your drone apart, try waiting a day longer for the drone to dry up. To me, rice does not sound like such a bad idea, but I have no direct experience with that method.
Alternatively - of course with battery removed - put the drone in a warm dry place with a bit of air movement. Ideally, a small fan blowing warm air right into the battery compartment. Dry the battery separately.
After a night of that treatment check if the battery can be re-charged (if you don't have a spare anyway).
Then, try to power on the drone. If it doesn't give the usual startup signals and you cannot connect through Wifi, you could still try to connect the Breeze to your computer per USB. That is the preferred method for transferring files from the Breeze anyway, IMO.
It could be that this works even if the rest of the controller board is fried.
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Both WTFDproject and robbie2 are on the button in this case. There is no removable SD card in the Breeze. The memory is an SMD device on the A9 board that the microUSB connector is on.

As they suggested let it dry out and place a fresh battery in and connect via USB.

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