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The Yuneec Pilots Picture Game

@FlushVision Congrats! Back to you! Beautiful photo! Love the landscape, hope to visit someday.
Thanks @Brenakie . I love Scotland. The boarder is about a two hour drive away from where I live. I fly a lot over the Pennine moors and take some good stuff with my aircraft over those moors, but some of my best footage and stills are taken in Scotland, particularly the Scottish Boarders and Dumfies & Galloway.

My next challenge is a picture of a beach.

My picture is the Powillimont beach just under two miles South of Kirkbean which, ironically, is in Dumfies & Galloway, Scotland. In the far distance you can see Southerness Lighthouse at the end of that peninsular. My point of interest on this flight was the earth works in the farmer's field in the foreground. This image was dropped from video footage captured shortly before sunset. I needed a low sun to highlight the earthworks.
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Haven't heard from @FlushVision in a while so lets give him a little more time to see if he responds today.
Yah... I had to stop roaming around in here, I was getting dizzy... Haha... It's ok, I'm in no hurry. It will give me time to come up with my challenge. I'm thinking, A chicken standing on the back of a dog that is riding a blind albino crocodile to safety through a underground sewer system!?... I know, to specific, that breaks the rules of the game! And Imposable!!! o_O
Ok, I have an idea, just need to get the go ahead? Thanks @Ty Pilot. I'll keep looking for an email from Yuneec pilots.com :D
Thanks @Ty Pilot, I had a different challenge in mind... However looking back at my earliest posts to this forum I realized that @FlushVision had replied with kindness and a story of his own, to my worst catastrophe with my Typhoon H.

So my challenge is this. A picture from the "incident" If there are none available? I will except a picture of the "incident" or from just before the "incident" and the story. Don't go crash your drone to win this Challenge! But if it has happened, here is your chance to win something from it. o_O

My picture/s is when I set return to home point 15 feet to low and hung it in a tree 100 feet up. But I did get some nice pics of the foliage and the lake! :)
I hope all is well @FlushVision.
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how's This? Flying a kite at Ocean Shores Washington. I'm lower left flying the Typhoon H and my sweetheart lower center flying the Para foil stunt kite upper left.
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Sorry about my delay in confirming that you've met my challenge, vertigo. Something came up: A gas leak in my property that demanded my attention. All fixed now thanks to British Gas.

I see that you have set a further challenge. I cant meet it since I haven't had a crash with my H...yet. I do have pictures taken with a P2V in a crash that happened in early 2015 when I was doing a way point mission doing a photographic survey for an environmental group. It was a flight following a grid pattern over an archaeological site on the side of a hill and it turned out that the last way point was set just a bit too low and it crashed into a small tree at the top of the hill. Since the camera was set to take a picture every few seconds I was left with over a hundred pictures of that **** tree:mad:

This picture does not meet your challenge since it is one of those pictures taken with a P2V and not a Yuneec product but you can share that bloody tree with me.

Gas Leak! That could have turned out badly. Glad all is fixed. I only moved forward with my challenge at the direction of @Ty Pilot. Thanks @FlushVision for sharing. Its to bad that it doesn't meet the rules of equipment because the picture and story certainly meet the spirit of the challenge! Perhaps someone else has an entry? I though this was an easy challenge, maybe others have had no mishaps? Or maybe its just to touchy of a subject? Either way, In an effort to keep the game moving along, I will defer to @Ty Pilot on how long to wait? Before and or if to change Challenge?
<snip>... Thanks @FlushVision for sharing. Its to bad that it doesn't meet the rules of equipment because the picture and story certainly meet the spirit of the challenge! <snip>
Yep. It was my first crash. And all my fault. I've had two crashes: The first was the one I wrote about with that P2V and the second was with a P2V+ that, as far as I can tell, wasn't my fault. In that first crash the drone was very badly damaged and I thought that it would cost too much to repair so that's why I went and bought the P2V+ which, incidentally, flew off on only its third flight into another tree at great un-controlled speed. So, rather than be without an aircraft at all while waiting for that to be repaired by dji I decided to have a crack at repairing the P2V myself. In all it cost me around £140.00 for the parts and a further £20.00 for a tool kit to do the job. I learned a lot from that and after I'd repaired it, it flew better than it did when new.

That aircraft is now retired (I retired it shortly after I got the H in June 2016) but I'm sure that if I dragged it from the shelf that it's stored on it would still be airworthy. I know the batteries are ok because they are still in service for my P2V+ which I still regularly use and was last used only about 2 weeks ago.
@vertigo you still out there? Lets see if we can make a new challenge ;)
I agree. It is possible that not everyone who's had a crash are willing to admit it by posting a picture...especially if it was because of pilot error. Also, not everyone who owns a Yuneec product has had a crash to date and it would be silly to expect anyone to purposely crash just for the glory of posting a picture here. So, that challenge isn't doable by everyone. I haven't crashed my H yet and i'm certainly not gonna fly it into a tree intentionally, so I can't meet the challenge.

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