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The Yuneec Pilots Picture Game

I don't know But it seems we might have played this game out? It was fun,I will keep watching just in case it gets moving again.
By for now.
It has played out somewhat I agree. Certainly not a lot of movement this last few weeks it is true to say.

I can meet the current challenge from my archive but I was waiting to see if anyone else could meet it. I'm busy today so haven't got time to search through my external hard drive to find an image but if it hasn't been met by this evening I'll have a look.
I've been away from the game for some time, glad to see it is still going - thanks to all who have participated and kept it on track.
There's been nothing going on since 19th November 2019 until tho other day. I would like to see it reinvigorated but it was the same few pilots that were posting pictures all the time. The view back in November was that the game had stagnated.
With many areas locked down, some pilots may not be able to get out and fly. On the other hand, many have tons of pictures they could pout through to try and see if they have a match for the next challenge. Since it's be a couple months since the last challenge if somebody would like to start with a clean slate I say go for it - just remember to check the rules on the first page and lets see what you got.
Ok I think I will play along. Where I believe is the topic.
And what is the challenge @Mike Irish ? The last challenge (not met) was an intersection of some sort but because that member may not be on the board much these days we are starting clean. So, you are setting the challenge. ;)
Guys, please read the following.................................especially #5 ? ;)

Summary: This is a game where a picture challenge is made and the first to post a picture that fulfills the challenge gets to post the next challenge.


The rules are simple:

[1] All pictures posted must be taken with ANY of the Yuneec line of Cameras - from the Breeze, Q-500 line, on up through any of the Typhoon H's and Tornado 920's. No Exceptions.:)

[2] The challenge MUST be reasonable. Keep in mind this forum spans the globe - so for instance I would not ask for a picture of a Saturn V Rocket (I'm right down the road from Cape Kennedy) - since there are only a few examples here and a couple other places in the states - this would be an unreasonable challenge. So, if you make a challenge that is difficult it will slow things down and we don't want that. Be Specific and Simple: A picture of a barn = GOOD, a picture of a barn with three cows and a red rooster = BAD.

[3] To Respond to a Challenge - Take your aircraft out and take a picture that represents, to the best of your ability, what the Challenger has asked for. The first successful responder to any challenge gets to make the next challenge.

[4] There may be disagreements about whether challenges have been met or were too specific or impossible. The original poster has the first right to determine whether his/her challenge has been met. If we cannot come to a logical conclusion by that method the originator of the game (me?) or one of the moderators will serve as final referee. It's a dirty job but we have to have someone in this position, or the game could stall out.

[5] DO NOT post Pictures, Discussion, Video or Links that do not address the Previous Request or the game in general - as this will side track the process.

[6] If you post a picture as a response - WAIT to hear from the challenger that you have met the challenge BEFORE you post your challenge. If you make a challenge - it is your responsibility to check and acknowledge responders.

[7] If a challenge is not met, the challenger can (and should) meet their own requirement in order to move the game along. The idea is to keep the game fun, interesting and moving along. :)
He did not say what the challenge was. . . . .

Which is why I asked @Mike Irish to tell us what it is.

Sorry my bad? Water was what I was thinking of because of the last picture that was posted. The picture was of a water tower so i posted a picture with water in it. What I would like to name the topic is a (waters view).
Hope this resolves the problem now :oops:.
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