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Tragic end to my H Pro

May 13, 2019
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I have to say that except for a few slight crashes, my H has performed exceptionally well. Until it did not! The follow me and watch me modes have been used before without issue. However, whilst riding a bicycle @ slow speed, the H was following me, then apparently a tree got in its way and upon ascending to avoid said tree, it collided with a branch 50 feet up & plunged from that height & broke up upon impact.

To be honest, it didn't upset me too much because the H was flying itself. I don't understand why realsense did not work, but tech is only as good as the people who program it.
So sorry.....RS looks forward and has a decent field of view, but nothing looks up. Heck, humans rarely look up either. Automated modes have their limits. You found one.

You should, if you're so inclined, be able to get a good used H for $350 or so.
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I have to say that except for a few slight crashes, my H has performed exceptionally well. Until it did not! The follow me and watch me modes have been used before without issue. However, whilst riding a bicycle @ slow speed, the H was following me, then apparently a tree got in its way and upon ascending to avoid said tree, it collided with a branch 50 feet up & plunged from that height & broke up upon impact.

To be honest, it didn't upset me too much because the H was flying itself. I don't understand why realsense did not work, but tech is only as good as the people who program it.
Sorry for your loss. Your experience does serve to prove a suspicion of mine regarding Realsense, it's blind from above. Actually, less of a suspicion, the Typhoon H is basically blind from above and behind with limited peripheral. All of the examples I saw of Realsense avoiding trees seemed to have idyllic trees shaped like lolly pops where the Typhoon H would approach the tree edge on at the widest part of the tree, then would ascend where the canopy would fall away. A seemingly perfect scenario. Unfortunately as you discovered, tree canopies tend to fan out with height so as it ascends it would more than likely hit something.

In all fairness to Realsense, tree branches, unless large or dense will probably won't be seen.

The thought was cool along with the demos, but having some understanding of LIDAR like modeling , sensing, and visual AI it is pretty limited and not something I'd trust my investment to. I still don't regret my purchase but for me, I don't use it. It is however an expensive conversation piece which is fun to play with from time to time.
Sorry about the loss... however, Realsense performed exactly as designed... the system has never had the capability to anticipate objects above. I am sure if that feature had been available, it would have been a major marketing point... as few systems have upward facing sensors, in any brand.
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I have to say that except for a few slight crashes, my H has performed exceptionally well. Until it did not! The follow me and watch me modes have been used before without issue. However, whilst riding a bicycle @ slow speed, the H was following me, then apparently a tree got in its way and upon ascending to avoid said tree, it collided with a branch 50 feet up & plunged from that height & broke up upon impact.

To be honest, it didn't upset me too much because the H was flying itself. I don't understand why realsense did not work, but tech is only as good as the people who program it.
Did the camera survive, I would be willing maybe to purchase if not to badly damaged

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