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weak signal

Jan 17, 2017
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i have a mantis Q and i have flown out about 200ft and i notice that the signal is weak any one has had this problem and what is the solution
Hi cwill, i been flying for about 3 months now. I have the same problem with distance. I usually get 400 to 500 feet and lose signal. No where t h e 0.9 mile they advertise.
Hi cwill, I have a mantis q that I fly and my control distance varies depending on where I am flying. I am a truck driver so I get to fly in many different places. When I am in an urban area 500 to 800 feet is pretty standard for me and I am usually flying around 150 to 200 feet up. I have not lost signal at those ranges. I have lost signal at 40 feet elevation and 300 feet out. I believe this was due to trees and I was below the tree tops. When I fly out in the desert and free of any obstructions I have flown out to around 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile at 100 to 150 feet elevation. I probably could have flown further but line of sight was an issue. One thing I have noticed that helps in urban areas is keeping my antenna on the controller aligned with my mantis. When you fold them out they also rotate a quarter turn and fold down in two different positions. I find signal is better with the broad side of the antenna pointing towards the mantis, sometimes that is in the downward position, other times the midway position depending on altitude. Hope that helps.
Hi, same happens to my mantis, just about 20 meters in the air and it only shows two or three bars of transmission strength on the screen, and I was getting 3 to 400meters until losing connection. Now i did a couple mods in the controller antennas and also the drone antenna, now I’m getting 900meters until the drone gets lost behind a line of trees and lose signal, I haven’t try in an open space to see how far would really go, but I think 900meters thru trees and power lines is pretty good. The thing is that even like that still at around 20 meters from the ground the signal strength shows still weak, 2 or 3 bars.
I get about 700 feet in WIDE open territory. If I had known this was the extent of the Mantis range, I would have bought a MJX Bugs5 or equivalent for under $200 to “train” before I stepped up to a proper camera drone. Someone PLEASE tell me how to get better than “toy range” out of the Mantis Q!
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This is urban with buildings and power lines everywhere. Didn’t lose signal or video even though remote shows no signal. As before line of sight is my problem before loss of signal.
I think what’s going on is Yuneec was very liberal on showing a weaker signal than what’s actually present. This kinda makes sense because you can potentially fly out of range very quick in sport mode so showing a weak signal faster encourages you to stop before you do actually fly out of range. I’m just speculating but I do plan on making a range test soon when I’m in a better area and feel I can trust the RTH feature to return without hitting anything.
This flight was in the desert. 68 degrees outside and a light sw wind of about 8 to 10 mph. This is BVLOS, but it’s the middle of nowhere so nobody else could see it either. Signal loss occurred at 2,300 feet and RTH activated fine. This is a stock FCC mantis q. When RTH brings the mantis back in range you can hit stop RTH and resume control of your craft.
Hi, same happens to my mantis, just about 20 meters in the air and it only shows two or three bars of transmission strength on the screen, and I was getting 3 to 400meters until losing connection. Now i did a couple mods in the controller antennas and also the drone antenna, now I’m getting 900meters until the drone gets lost behind a line of trees and lose signal, I haven’t try in an open space to see how far would really go, but I think 900meters thru trees and power lines is pretty good. The thing is that even like that still at around 20 meters from the ground the signal strength shows still weak, 2 or 3 bars.

I would be interested to know what kind of modifications you did to enable you to get that range. I only get about 800 feet in wide open territory. Thanks
Hi JF, there is a site listed in another thread that has the kit for just under $100 USD. I haven’t modified mine yet as I get decent range and I am going to wait until after the manufacturers warranty expires before I change anything, if I change anything at all.

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