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When is RealSense active? Am I the only one who didn't know this?

Oct 15, 2016
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I was flying only my third battery on my new TH Pro a few days ago and ended up parking my drone in the top of a cottonwood tree. There are lessons to be learned from the crash, but that is another thread for another day.

The reason for this post is that I had engaged collision avoidance shortly after takeoff and yet my H still flew into the tree (and yes, I was flying forward at the time of the crash). How is this possible?

I am still working with customer service and I do not yet know how this will play out, but they did tell me something that I had not heard before. The RealSense system cannot be active no matter the position of the collision avoidance switch if the landing gear is down. They even told me that RealSense is in fact active during RTH until the system lowers the gear.

Before purchasing my H Pro I read everything I could find, I watched multiple videos about the H and about how the RealSense system worked, and I downloaded and read Yuneec's manual for the H, and I had never seen anything connecting the collision avoidance to the position of the gear.

I would be very interested in learning whether this is common knowledge. If you choose to respond to this thread, please mention whether or not you were aware of this. And if you are flying a TH Pro and are using the RealSense on a particular flight, be very careful to retract your gear before flying anywhere close to obstacles.
Good to know and sorry about the tree. Your post supports the need to develop much better system documentation.

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Indeed, we should not have to wait until AFTER an incident, to then be told stuff by CS,
where is the Realsense documentation Yuneec?
The reason for this post is that I had engaged collision avoidance shortly after takeoff and yet my H still flew into the tree (and yes, I was flying forward at the time of the crash). How is this possible?

Sorry to hear this, what a disappointment for a new owner.
Do you know how fast it was going just before the crash? How far away from you was the tree? Do you know if the RS did work correctly before the crash? Please do keep us up on your outcome.
Sorry to hear this, what a disappointment for a new owner.
Do you know how fast it was going just before the crash? How far away from you was the tree? Do you know if the RS did work correctly before the crash? Please do keep us up on your outcome.

Hi Ray

I don't know how fast I was flying at the time, but I was trying to capture good video of fall colors so it was nowhere near top speed. I was flying slowly enough that the speed did not make me wonder whether the RS was working.

This was the first flight I had engaged the RS so I don't know whether it was working prior to the crash. I just sent the flight logs to Yuneec late yesterday afternoon so I won't know what they show before next week.

The tree was maybe 30 yards away on the opposite side of a small river.

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