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Where do I find the software files for my Typhoon H Plus?

Jan 4, 2017
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After the OTA update on my new H Plus the aircraft flies perfectly. However the gimbal exhibits a loud screaming sound when powered on and sitting on the ground. Additionally the camera has a small but very noticeable shake while filming. This is true on the ground and in the air. It did not have this issue until after the updated software was install by OTA. The factory wants me to send the unit in. I am reluctant to do this unless I can't resolve the problem with a software re install. I don't know where to find the files or exactly how to do the procedure. If I can't do the re install I will send it in ... however this seems unreasonable. All I did was install their software exactly as they had me do it and boom a completely new problem emerges immediately after the install. Any help would be much appreciated.

First question. How do I get the files?
Second question. How do I install them?
Third question. Do I need to do some kind of factory reset to proceed?
Fourth question. Has anyone else had this problem and what did they do to resolve it?

This problem first showed up with the first update back in July. The second update was to fix the first. Some have had it happen - others have not, I am of the latter. There are many threads on this forum detailing their exploits. In addition there is a sticky in the Plus Help section that you will want to read along with others. Here is a link to get you started in regards how to roll back an update. THREAD

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