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Yuneec US Inside Sales and Website does not have a list of dealers or licensed repair providers!

May 6, 2018
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So this is totally stumping me, if you go the US Yuneec site, the dealer page is blank. So I call inside sales in the US to both ask for a list of dealers, and to inform them that their page was broken. Much to my surprise, the page is not broken, and THERE IS NO LIST OF DEALERS!?!? Anywhere.

I said how can this be, how do you know who is or is not legit, and where they operate, using your name and credentials?

Oh said the rep, we can enter names in our system and then find out if they are a licensed dealer, but there is no list we can look up.

Meaning you the end user/business have to somehow find someone, other than the two places they send me in California and New York (Texas here.), and I will tell you googling does not help, then you have to call sales to verify that they are indeed certified. The idea the Yuneec does not index this information is frankly a serious problem, and I need a list of providers in Texas.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to find dealers/licensed repair providers (Other than Best Buy, none in the area of North Texas near me that I talked to worked on the H520.) please let me know.

The Yuneec site does have a full list of the dealers and service centers. Click the 'service' tab, then 'support' and scroll down to 'dealers' and click. This will bring up the first image below.

Clicking on 'See Complete List of Stores brings up 81 pages of stores. * Please note they are alphabetical and after the first eight (8) dealers and until you get to around page 78 they are all Best Buy Stores.


Kind of reminded me of a time working for an outfit that dictated I put together some tool and parts kits to be shipped to overseas locations. All purchases had to be executed by the purchasing department. After compiling the parts lists and submitting them 3 times for acquisition, each time rejected because the vendors were bot on the “approved vendors list” I finally got smart and requested a copy of the approved vendors list. The request was answered with “no such list exists”. FUBAR. Found out shortly thereafter I had authority to spend up to $25k on my company card without needing preauthorization. You know what happened next.
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