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  • I was wondering, does the typhoon h geofence below a certain altitude, from the operator ? I am having problems, no matter the calibrations, of getting the h to fly in one of the four directions controlled by stick. It might be a bad compass board as after each calib the controls will be mixed, and always missing a direction.
    Hello from Washington State. I have been looking for archived firmware for a ST 16 ground station and a Typhoon plus. The drone, in its present state, alarms, alternately, that gps signal has been lost, the battery is critical, (after being freshly charged) and camera link has been lost, whenever I attempt to fly. I realize the drone is classified as an antique, however, I would really like to get it into the air
    You posted this in your own status, not on the forum. I would move it for you, but I'm not sure which Drone you have. If your camera is a black CG03+, you have a Typhoon H. IF your camera is a silver colored C23, you have an H Plus. Select the appropriate "Discussion" Forum, and use the red "Post Thread" button near the right hand side of the page.
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