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battery meltdown round 2

Oct 30, 2016
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here I go again lost 3 flight batteries due to melt down at the connector head. all oem h520e. again dammage at the main board connector head not as bad stop early to prevent worse dammage. go figure right when I am in texas for vaction. good thing I also brought the first gen h520 so vaction not a totasl loss. well every thing was going greast untill I started using oem orange cube which charged the batteries to 4.4volts thats where the trouble hit. before then I was using third party leads at 4.35 volt charge at 5 amps no problems when I used that setting.
Sorry to hear that. I just got 14 batteries replaced, but Vertigo still has my 520E for mainboard replacement. I have a Venom charger and will avoid the Yuneec charger (thanks for the heads up). When I get the device back, I have a 4-hour flight planned. Will let you know how it goes.
when you start using the h520e watch those battery head connectors. look for any gaps between the pins of the battery if they get to big you are likely to have a another meltdown issue. lost 6 flight batteries 3 with head defects .3 with head defects with melting.
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there is no damage to any of charger contacts not even the gifi h3 battery cables nor the h3 version of the dual dy5 charger nor damage to the oem cube. battery contacts are made to be spread out and the go back to normal after use. the drone will spread them out as well and that's where the problems seems to stem from.
So the spring contacts in the batteries get weak from current draw heating them up which gets resistive contact and causes more heat to be generated?

I’m starting to think they would have been better off going with dual Dean’s connectors for the main positive and negative contacts. They are also less critical in respect to alignment.
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that is one of major flaws. the other is the spring contact that heats up then wedges it self in the middle plastic divider leaving a gap where the contact should be.
here I go again lost 3 flight batteries due to melt down at the connector head. all oem h520e. again dammage at the main board connector head not as bad stop early to prevent worse dammage. go figure right when I am in texas for vaction. good thing I also brought the first gen h520 so vaction not a totasl loss. well every thing was going greast untill I started using oem orange cube which charged the batteries to 4.4volts thats where the trouble hit. before then I was using third party leads at 4.35 volt charge at 5 amps no problems when I used that setting.
Have you talked to Vertigo about this? They still have my 520E. Wondering if I they are reconsidering the fix for the problem?
Does the battery connector inside the aircraft have the blade contacts all the way across or does it only have them on the 4 positive contacts and 4 negative contacts?

I’m thinking Yuneec needs to use more beta testers that fly these machines in real world conditions to expose these types of problems. A little late in the game to redesign the power connection.

Since the melting always seems to be on the negative connection terminals it might save future problems to design a heatsink to absorb the excess heat build up in that area of the connector.
h520e air frame does have contacts all the way across. I also suffered melting on the positive side this go around. also the battery will become burning hot at the connector when it is removed right after flight. key to catch this is intense multi back to back flights not one or two flight offs and call all is good. vertigo drones also has my h520e for repairs I also sent them three of my worst gone defective batteries which were brand new warranty replacements sent from yuneec to replace what i lost in the first round. that way not only did they get the zoomed photos of the batteries but they got the actual physical damaged batteries to see the issues with there own eyes.
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This is turning out to be a not so good solution for replacing the Dean’s connectors that the H520/H Plus used.
deans where reliable never had a issue with them they are still going strong with my first gen h520. even the old h480's I have there power connector is in top shape to this day. I have over 500 flights no power issues with the first gen h520 and over 600 flights with the h480. they need to place the first gen h520 power connector back in the h520e for now. problem with using same battery size overall is that newer units may need battery body size revisions to compensate for voltage and current draw down side is a whole new set of charging equipment needs to be developed ones that display all voltage of per cell and total voltage of the pack, accurate mha readings of the battery when charging and placing back in storage between usage. that is the bare min requirement. I have to check the inside battery connection area to see if they can enlarge the battery head for double deans plus the connectors to balance the battery. the head redo would come on top would be made thicker and hold the balance connectors on top with the main dean connectors just below them, keeping the bottom slope of the connector head the same .this way it will not interfere with the bottom front electronic board.
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sooner or latter the drone will need to be resized in the battery area or enlarged slightly all together. the h3 drones are suffering with this defect as well. this is not just h520e.
sooner or latter the drone will need to be resized in the battery area or enlarged slightly all together. the h3 drones are suffering with this defect as well. this is not just h520e.
Yes, I saw the other thread where you were asking for input from H3 owners. Hope they come up with a decent solution. I’m thinking a heatsink with thermal paste on the backside of the connector on the aircraft side would help draw heat away from the contacts on the battery. This could avoid a total redesign of the battery connection system.
In this case heatsink may not work as intended. one big thing is the small amount of metal used in the contacts is not enough to handle the amperage requirements that the drone demands. the metal content is less than the first gen h520 battery. It is even less than the h480 flight battery. while this type of connector will work with most laptops and the ground stations yuneec is using. It needs more metal basically it is like using to small of wire in a electrical circuit where a bigger one is required. It may work for a small time but it will not last.
another note if they switch to first gen h520 power connector which should be just right in this case. Only the first gen h520 battery can be used the h480 flight battery voltage maybe to low to use or attempt with this airframe with or without the rtk addon.
UHS another note if they switch to first gen h520 power connector which should be just right in this case. Only the first gen h520 battery can be used the h480 flight battery voltage maybe to low to use or attempt with this airframe with or without the rtk addon.
Agreed with that assessment. It would likely require the use of LiHV battery packs.
I going to try to get the first gen h520 battery connector installed in the h520e replacement board. I rather take a slight hit in flight time but solid with no failure battery connection which has endured over 572 flights and over 130 hours on the first gen h520 with no battery problems what so ever and counting. I can not trust the new battery connector they are using. 50 flights and then battery connector failure occurs.
oh and the first gen h520 battery connector the same one on the h480 and that has over 700 flights and is in flyable condition but retired due to aging props and camera that went out. can not find new props for it. and st16s battery connector is worn off on the battery side. st16 side still good.
well repair is well underway the dean connector from first gen h520 is being installed in the second gen h520e. waiting on test results from vertigo but looking good for now. if this works I will retire the first gen h520. payload issues on that one are horrid. flies great but crappy cameras with lots of video camera drop outs in flight. mostly first gen e90. e50 stable no issues but crappy video feed not nearly as good as h480 cgo3 which it was based from. when retire will be changing the airframe to non air usage. will be removing the 4 arms changing the board to h520e installing new gimbal x connector and installing new odfm module. 2 arms with ofdm antennas will have motors pulled. is will be used a forensic diag for drones. will be using e30zx as a microscope got great resolution to do the job plus looking to get a thermal cam to find hot spot areas on drones mainboard. planning on getting h520e rtk unmodified stock. want to track down and document what gets dammaged when the connector goes into meltdown.

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