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Battery tester

Jun 10, 2016
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:) Could anyone suggest a tester to use when out flying, I can see a problem arising with using multiple batteries. Just something that will show digitally if the battery is fully charged instead of getting the info off the ST16
:) Could anyone suggest a tester to use when out flying, I can see a problem arising with using multiple batteries. Just something that will show digitally if the battery is fully charged instead of getting the info off the ST16
Fluke Digital VOM


<A HREF="http://www.gpmd.com/imagel/h/lhrcp4173.jpg" TARGET="new">
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Parts Saver
Eligible: I use one of these
I number all my battery's and keep a check with a phone app its free and its called RC Battery Watcher, which can record each time the battery is charge, and discharge and also storage mode, as well as date purchased, size battery and price, and run times, I found this really easy and convenient way of keeping a record of each battery, how many charges its had, discharges and storage as well as performance of each battery, when out in the field flying and most people have always got their mobile phone with them after each flight with exhausted battery just open the app click discharged the appropriate battery number on the app job done in seconds.
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Unfortunately, the flight battery in the Typhoon H does not have any bar code or other markings that can be scanned. The same thing goes for the battery in the ST16 controller. So the RC Battery Watcher may not be as useful for our "H" models.
Unfortunately, the flight battery in the Typhoon H does not have any bar code or other markings that can be scanned. The same thing goes for the battery in the ST16 controller. So the RC Battery Watcher may not be as useful for our "H" models.
So you need a bar code? why if you just manually enter the battery discharge?
i have seen a post of a person that made an adapter to charge the H battery from an after mart charger and i'm sure that you could read voltage and individual cell readings . if i find the post i will give you the link .
fly safe
Unfortunately, the flight battery in the Typhoon H does not have any bar code or other markings that can be scanned. The same thing goes for the battery in the ST16 controller. So the RC Battery Watcher may not be as useful for our "H" models.

Its only the paid for version that uses the bar code feature and a few more bells & whistles you also receive bar codes to stick on the battery's, the free version which is what I use as been said before you just enter details manually, I have taken a photograph of each battery with my mobile phone and this is stored in the RC Battery Watcher app along with all the details of each battery, dead easy to monitor and keep a check of your battery's quickly.

At the moment whilst flying under load you can use the ST16 display for voltage readout, or out in the field with battery removed as said before use a good multi meter to check the voltage but bare in mind it wont be under load so will read higher after standing for a while.
Hi my new H battery fully charged is 16.6V for a 4S new battery is this acceptable?
4S fully charged 4.2x4=16.8V
Unfortunately, the flight battery in the Typhoon H does not have any bar code or other markings that can be scanned. The same thing goes for the battery in the ST16 controller. So the RC Battery Watcher may not be as useful for our "H" models.

A lot of label makers can print bar codes these days. I use a Brady BMP-21 Plus label maker that is designed for putting labels on cables etc.. It has a bar code option. You could also print your own bar code on paper and tape it on.
Goh, i think you will find that the battery is technically under load as soon as it registers on the ground station, so you will always get a slightly lower reading than when it's at rest. I suppose the multimeter would give you the true reading of the separate cells
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