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Breeze control issues with Ipad

Oct 9, 2016
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When I fly my Breeze with an Iphone 6S+, everything works great. When I use an Ipad Mini version 4, I have no control on the right "stick". The drone works fine in "tablet" mode with the Ipad Mini 4. I assume there is a problem with the software as the drone flies fine with an Iphone. Does anyone have any ideas?
When I fly my Breeze with an Iphone 6S+, everything works great. When I use an Ipad Mini version 4, I have no control on the right "stick". The drone works fine in "tablet" mode with the Ipad Mini 4. I assume there is a problem with the software as the drone flies fine with an Iphone. Does anyone have any ideas?
Flew mine for the first time last evening...Used my ipad mini 4..Same problem right stick issues. Would only respond occasionally.. Was there a work around?
Of course I called Yuneec Tech Support.. Simply Clueless...The only suggestion i was given was to "Re calibrate it many times" ( for which i did and BTW i asked what does the compass calibration have to do with the right stick? Duhhh again clueless.. I was given the offer to send it in for "inspection" but i said no i can return the newly purchases POS back to best buy seeing as they offer much better customer support..

Really I own an Typhoon H.. Bought this toy on a whim. I'm scared to death to update the firmware on the H as i've heard the many horror stories from those that did..

Time to get rid of this scrap and go back to DJI and their scrap i guess??

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