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Ekf code mantis q

Please provide some background information about this issue.

Did any circumstance precede this error such as a crash, hard landing, failed compass calibration, etc.
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EKF is "Extended Kalman Filter", a SW part of the flight controller FW to read all sensor data and compute the attitude of the drone (position, direction, acceleration and angles in in all 3 dimensions).

With the above very rare information we can only guess. Maybe a sensor problem, a FW problem or to much vibrations due to defect propeller and so and on...

Maybe more information we could find in the flight log from the controller device. I do not know, if one can download also logs from the drone itself (aka ULOG files).

br HE
The ulog files can be retrieved from the aircraft using QGroundControl the same way as with the H Plus and H520.
Ekf error mantis q
This is the equivalent of walking up to a stranger and saying "TV". When posting to this or any forum, you leave people guessing and wondering what it is that you require help with. As has been mentioned, please provide details when posting. This will help to guide the ones you are counting on here to help you.
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