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Flying Multiple Mantis G with QGroundControl

Sep 19, 2019
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So I have been working om a project where I need to fly multiple Mantis Gs from a single control point and have been using QGC as my flight controller as it works very well with a single drone. However, I am having issues controlling multiple drones. I have changed the MAV_SYS_ID so each drone has a unique number, however when I connect to the drone with MAV_SYS_ID of 1 first I can't connect to the drone with MAV_SYS_ID of 2. If I connect to the drone with MAV_SYS_ID of 2 first I can connect but as soon as I connect to the drone with MAV_SYS_ID of 1 drone 2 disconnects. I am not sure what is causing this issue. The only thing I can think of is that it is possible that they are trying to talk through the same channel and perhaps their IP addresses are conflicting or maybe I forgot to change a different parameter in QGC. Currently I have both drones connected to my laptop through dedicated WiFi adapters. Does any one have any suggestions?
I don’t think QGC allows simultaneous control of multiple drones (a swarm) which is illegal in the US without the proper waivers through the FAA.

I also sounds like QGC sees the MAV_SYS_ID number as a priority for control also.

It may be possible to do with virtual machines on one computer with each machine running QGC on a separate WiFi channel.

@Pöllö or @h-elsner may have more info on the use of QGC they are both doctors of internal dronery.
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