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Forum Administration - the proposal to improve the ...

Do you think that the sections of the discussions to be divided by subject areas - sections and subs

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May 13, 2016
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Sakhalin island, Russia
Dear administration forum!

Forum discussions are very difficult to read and understand.
It turned into a dustbin message. I think one way or who can t agree with me?

I'm thinking that if Discussion Topics to be divided into sections and subsections, depending on the direction of the discussion. In this case, it is easier, you can not only keep track of a particular branch of the discussion but it is easier to look for the old threads to update the information.

If it's not too much trouble you, will be very great for online users.

Thank you for understanding.
Dear administration forum!

Forum discussions are very difficult to read and understand.
It turned into a dustbin message. I think one way or who can t agree with me?

I'm thinking that if Discussion Topics to be divided into sections and subsections, depending on the direction of the discussion. In this case, it is easier, you can not only keep track of a particular branch of the discussion but it is easier to look for the old threads to update the information.

If it's not too much trouble you, will be very great for online users.

Thank you for understanding.
I'm not sure I understand. Could you give some examples of what would be a section and what would be a subsection?
or take as an example my forum - http://pilotage65.ru
go at it via the browser and google chrome - right - translate to ..
you see the structure of the forum (discussion).

If you wish, I can create for you a rough structure of your forum by Typhoon H

unfortunately your forum has become a big and have a lot of work to do to move the threads and messages in the appropriate sections.
But, believe me, it is worth it!
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Reactions: Goh
We need some things stickies for some topics.
Need to teach some of the newer members how to use the search function at the top right.
Instead of replying to things already answered, or that have a long thread already going, post them a link to the existing thread.
I think that is more complicated than it needs to be.
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Reactions: QuadBart
I think it would be a good idea for stickies on some of topics, which would make certain topics easy to find for reference this would avoid certain topics being repeated.
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Reactions: Bobjazz

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