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Got My "H" Back From Yuneec

Jan 19, 2016
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Received my "H" back from Yuneec for its drifting issues, difficult landing, taking off after landing, tilted camera.

I'm very pleased with the turn-around time, under two weeks. The work order states they replaced the GPS Module Circuit Board.

I had a chance to do a quick flight late this afternoon after performing a Compass, Accelerometer, and Gimbal calibration. Glad to say it appears to be fixed. Held its position pretty well considering there was some wind today, 5 mph, with some gusts. But no taking off after landing, no more tilted camera when the LG is deployed/retracted, or when selecting between Follow Me and Angle mode. It was also easy to land as before, much more responsive. I didn't feel like I was fighting it like I did before sending it in...

So I'm pleased with the initial checkout! Hoping this really solves the issues.

One thing I noticed different and I'm just wondering if its just the way the new GPS board works, is that upon power-up of my H (after powering on my ST-16 and waiting for it to fully come up), the status light initial state is orange then it will go to purple (angle mode) and do the normal blinking. Also upon initial startup the ST-16 will also state something to the affect of "No GPS". But its momentary. It didn't do this before sending it in.

I'm thinking its a new feature so that you know it doesn't have GPS until it actually starts acquiring satellites.

Hopefully this weekend I can get it out and really give it a test. But wanted to let people know that Yuneec CS was very quick and my initial check-out, it seems everything is better!
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That is so good hopefully the customer service and technical department is better now
Received my "H" back from Yuneec for its drifting issues, difficult landing, taking off after landing, tilted camera.

I'm very pleased with the turn-around time, under two weeks. The work order states they replaced the GPS Module Circuit Board.

I had a chance to do a quick flight late this afternoon after performing a Compass, Accelerometer, and Gimbal calibration. Glad to say it appears to be fixed. Held its position pretty well considering there was some wind today, 5 mph, with some gusts. But no taking off after landing, no more tilted camera when the LG is deployed/retracted, or when selecting between Follow Me and Angle mode. It was also easy to land as before, much more responsive. I didn't feel like I was fighting it like I did before sending it in...

So I'm pleased with the initial checkout! Hoping this really solves the issues.

One thing I noticed different and I'm just wondering if its just the way the new GPS board works, is that upon power-up of my H (after powering on my ST-16 and waiting for it to fully come up), the status light initial state is orange then it will go to purple (angle mode) and do the normal blinking. Also upon initial startup the ST-16 will also state something to the affect of "No GPS". But its momentary. It didn't do this before sending it in.

I'm thinking its a new feature so that you know it doesn't have GPS until it actually starts acquiring satellites.

Hopefully this weekend I can get it out and really give it a test. But wanted to let people know that Yuneec CS was very quick and my initial check-out, it seems everything is better!

Glad to hear that! There's nothing better than fully cooperating drone:)

Btw, can I ask which Yuneec CS did you work with? I am asking because if it was european one, then it means something changed for better, because from what I hear the EU Yuneec CS is the worst of them all and I live in EU - luckily though so far I never needed their help.

Sorry, its here in the USA...

Glad to hear that! There's nothing better than fully cooperating drone:)

Btw, can I ask which Yuneec CS did you work with? I am asking because if it was european one, then it means something changed for better, because from what I hear the EU Yuneec CS is the worst of them all and I live in EU - luckily though so far I never needed their help.
I just sent mine in for similar issues. I experienced a complete loss of yaw control followed by circling into fly away with non stoppable counter clockwise full speed spinning. I could not look away from the H as I was practicing a simple night shot hover and turned off the nav lights. Fortunately, I'm on my third year as a rotor pilot and I did have throttle up and ascended till I got control enough over the H and got sticks back. Prior to this, I was having random compass drop out and was being hesitant to return my H even though that is the obvious warranty procedure. I realized that I'd rather wait and have them get it right then for me to try to work around growing problems. I'm pleased to see QuadBart is satisfied. I hope to post good news myself in ten days!

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