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H520 camera connection time?

Jul 1, 2018
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I can't seem to find any practical informations about it - how's the camera connection time to ST16S on the H520 with EU software.

Is it experiencing same WIFI issues as Typhoon H on EU software? (Sometimes over 1,5-2 min connection time, randomly losing connection and taking a minute to regain it)
The time you say it takes to initially connect is what it takes us all. It's another thing for you to lose the connection and take a long time to get it back. Make sure your antennas are tight.
My first connection yesterday was about 60 seconds (that surprised me), but all 5 subsequent connections were consistently close to 100 seconds.

I have had no video disconnects since the last update and have the impression the link is more reliable as there were no screen freezes either.

I love the way the H520 flies. With the stick full up, in tortoise the speed is a slow 1m/s. Careful use of the stick can accelerate the H520 from stationary with no jerking. Once moving, speed can be precisely controlled by keeping the stick up and rolling the tortoise/hare control. Max speed was 13m/s with the stick full up in hare and angle.

I would like to be able to control the 'Go To' speed with the speed control.

Can the speed of the camera pan (switch K) be reduced be greatly reduced please, as I now find I can pan slower with the yaw control?
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