I have flown helis for a long time (actually crashed helis for a long time) and now getting lots of enjoyment out of my H. I have had absolutely no prolems with my bird. I am 72 years old and my eyesight sucks so I don't know if the camera is bad. It looks good to me. I am trying to sell my Q500+ on Craig's list and it is not working. It's impossible to sell a $700 drone under a listing for TOYS! I hate selling on consignment at my local hobby shop and taking A 20% hit for commissions and the same thing on Ebay. Does anyone have a better suggestion? If I can't sell it I guess I'll just fly it until the wheels fall off (if it had wheels). Anyway, happy flying everyone and if any of you live in the Lansing or Ann Arbor area of Michigan let me know.