Greetings fellow pilots! Back in Sept. I received my CGO3 camera back from repair. I had purchased a used Q500 4k with a camera that was detached fro the gimble from a crash. The camera seemed to be working on the bench although I did not take any pictures or video until it was airborne. I viewed the footage on my PC. It was very inconsistent, it would go a few frames then pause, some digital distortion would come and go. Parts of a previous scene would show up here and there. Weird stuff! Thought maybe my SD card was perhaps not up tho the quality required. Bought a new hi-speed hi-capacity card. No improvement. I formatted the card and tried again. Took a few stills, then got a message that the capture was not completed. I tried switching to the video mode. The video would not work either. Reviewed the results on my PC. Some of the stills looked good, but one was corrupted. Parts of 2 or more images in one frame with some digital bands across the bottom of the image. One more thing to try. Mounted the camera on the steady grip for the first time. Video results no better. I switched to still and the display freezes to the last frame of the previous video mode display. It will take stills but will not display them or what the lens sees at the time. Has anyone else experienced these problems? Please advise.