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Just Dropped out the sky

Oct 1, 2016
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No mention what the cause, however i had left a message to the tech to contact me while still in the process cause i was interested in his findings but only got a message saying it was ready. There is a list of parts replaced which is remarkably considering the damage but im no tech so the proof will be known soon.
Im real happy will be happier is she shows up next week
It was my first large area flight, so i went to a very large field to had only been hovering and going thru the controls to become familiar.
Anyway got out there went thru my checks and took off perfect, after about 5-6 min everything was going very well, with gear up the camera sending me good pics. I pointed up & to the right & she just dropped out the sky, straight down like a brick, didnt hit anything nothing in the way to hit, i just couldnt believe my eyes.
Wanted to cry, but i called Yuneec after picking up the pieces & the rest as they say is history, they fixed it N/C.
All the blades broke & i didnt see them on the list so i called & there replacing them too, those guys have it together always willing to help everytime ive called,
Thx again Yuneec
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