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Lost of control signal


Apr 20, 2016
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if I lost the controls signal, will the RTH activated and auto fly back to the starting point or it will only hover? Thanks
First it will stay where the control was lost. If control doesn't come back it should return home. I haven't tried it out myself. You can check it out yourself. Take off go up bout 20' ft out 150 ft. Now turn the ST 16 off and see what it does. Post your results here.
First it will stay where the control was lost. If control doesn't come back it should return home. I haven't tried it out myself. You can check it out yourself. Take off go up bout 20' ft out 150 ft. Now turn the ST 16 off and see what it does. Post your results here.
Good idea you try and tell us the results
I tested the battery warnings. At 13.7v, the copter will land after several warnings and the GCS vibrating.

I'll test the loss of signal to the GCS as well. If it flies away or crashes, the FC system isn't worth a crap.
Having had my ST-16 Battery die mid flight, here is what the H will do.
It will activate RTH, Yes my tail light went from Purple to RED.
It will fly towards the last known position of the ST-16.
It will then hover at about 30' up.
It will continue to hover till the battery gets low enough then land (I did NOT get this far)
I was able to get my ST-16 plugged back into my car USB and get it to power back up and regain control so I could land myself.
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Having had my ST-16 Battery die mid flight, here is what the H will do.
It will activate RTH, Yes my tail light went from Purple to RED.
It will fly towards the last known position of the ST-16.
It will then hover at about 30' up.
It will continue to hover till the battery gets low enough then land (I did NOT get this far)
I was able to get my ST-16 plugged back into my car USB and get it to power back up and regain control so I could land myself.
Thanks bobw55

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