Check this out guys,
To start I just simply decom the APK for the app. That contains the full java source in the original format. So all the protocol data is below. With this, there is no need even to scope it with a probe and figure it out. Because most Android apps are just Java and not truly compiled they are not in binary format. Now being able to see the guts of how the entire app works either making a custom version of the client or adding features should be a breeze.
If you want to decomp yourself simply download their latest firmware. Then head over to this site below. Run the decomp, download the output as a zip. Use 7Zip on windows to properly open as the structure wont work with the built in client. But this opens up a lot of anyone interested in the inter workings of the client controller side. Now on to interfacing and customization looking. I dont have a ton of time tonight but will keep looking and once I write some more code start sharing with you guys on the GutHub that was setup.
APK decompiler
To start I just simply decom the APK for the app. That contains the full java source in the original format. So all the protocol data is below. With this, there is no need even to scope it with a probe and figure it out. Because most Android apps are just Java and not truly compiled they are not in binary format. Now being able to see the guts of how the entire app works either making a custom version of the client or adding features should be a breeze.
If you want to decomp yourself simply download their latest firmware. Then head over to this site below. Run the decomp, download the output as a zip. Use 7Zip on windows to properly open as the structure wont work with the built in client. But this opens up a lot of anyone interested in the inter workings of the client controller side. Now on to interfacing and customization looking. I dont have a ton of time tonight but will keep looking and once I write some more code start sharing with you guys on the GutHub that was setup.
APK decompiler
APK decompiler - decompile Android .apk ✓ ONLINE ✓
Decompile Android Apk applications and extract Java source code and resources ✓ ONLINE ✓
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