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Q500 Multiple issues

I don't know if that is what a bricked remote control does but I can't get it to do anything
Could it be because I'm in a travel trailer messing it up?
The Z-value of your accelerometer is too high it should be around 1.000G instead of ~1.200 when the drone stands on table.
The z-axis is perpendicular to the earth thus it should be 1G. Magnitude is the sum of X, Y and Z axis and should be always around 1.000G no matter in which position the drone is.
This means depending on temperature drift the out-of-range problem may happen again from time to time.
Try a accelerometer calibration and check if it comes near to 1.000.
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I don't know I still have to turn it on the side and all when I turn the drone on. And on the second flight the battery swelled up and the engine's were all warm
Might of all happened because I flew it out in 100degree weather maybe. But other than that it seemed to fly pretty good. Took it up to a 1000ft then back down to 200 ft and flew it around. All functions are good. Don't know about the home or smart functions yet but in angle mode it flew great
Is that were you do it on a computer
No. It's on the controller.

1.) Place the drone on a flat surface that won't move or shake.
2.) Turn on drone and controller.
3.) Press the Settings Icon near the lower right of the screen. (It looks sort of like a gear.)
4.) Press "OK" to the warning that pops up.
5.) Press "Calibration"
6.) Press "Accelerometer"
7.) Wait for the calibration to run its course. It should only take about 10 or 12 seconds or so. You will hear lots of happy sounding beeps and the beeps for starting back up. Wait for the drone to come back to its normal acquiring/ready state.
8.) Press the return key to return to the normal flight screen.

Then restart both drone and controller to see if it helped anything.

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