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Aug 14, 2016
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New Jersey and New Hampshire
I'm confused with what you can use or not use on my Q500 with a CGO2 camera
I have several cards. They say SDHC 2gb, SDHC I6gb and SDHC 8gb
I never knew there was a difference between SD and SDHC. So in the ST10 what do I use and in the camera what do I use. Am I NOT to use a SDHC. Is there a difference. Is t the adapters that come with these all the same? They are in,y an adapter so you can slip it into a computer, is that correct? P,ease enlighten me..please if you use the words like... "I think" then don't answer this. I need a clear cut answer
The micro card should be a UHS-1 or UHS-3, no matter what else it says. On the card itself, a circle will enclose a 1 or 3. A Class 10 UHS-1 card will be OK (not just class 10 by itself).
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The micro card should be a UHS-1 or UHS-3, no matter what else it says. On the card itself, a circle will enclose a 1 or 3. A Class 10 UHS-1 card will be OK (not just class 10 by itself).
That is correct for the CGO2 camera. The card under the battery in the ST10 doesn't need anything special. An 8GB micro sd card will work fine, even an older slower one.
This site has a lot of information that explains different cards.
Speed Class Standards for Video Recording - SD Association
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SD = Secure Digital (FAT16, up to 2GB)
SDHC = Secure Digital High Capacity (FAT32, 4GB to 32GB) SDHC is not backward compatible with devices requiring SD
SDXC = Secure Digital Extreme Capacity (xFAT/FAT32, 32GB - 2TB)

It is recommended that you use class 10 microSDHC or microSDXC card in the camera. I use a class 10 with the 3 in the U signifier.
SD = Secure Digital (FAT16, up to 2GB)
SDHC = Secure Digital High Capacity (FAT32, 4GB to 32GB) SDHC is not backward compatible with devices requiring SD
SDXC = Secure Digital Extreme Capacity (xFAT/FAT32, 32GB - 2TB)

It is recommended that you use class 10 microSDHC or microSDXC card in the camera. I use a class 10 with the 3 in the U signifier.
It all good information and probably more then I need however all this talk of
UHS-1, UHS-10 and Class 1 and class 10 is causing me google so at least I'm,earring something. The first reply had me pulling my hair causes even more confusion. As far as the 1 or 2 or the class 10 or whatever FAT is I really don't care what they all mean. I just want to know what to use.

I understand the gigabyte thing and obviously a 64 gb or 32 will give you long recording time for video. Question in regard to the ST10. My husband doesn't know this answer either. We are both new to the hobbie and very easily are becoming addicted . On the ST10 under the battery Steve says an 8gb would be fine. I think when I bought the Q-500 came with a 2 gb I think. On my husbands Q500 he said he thinks it was an 8gb. I assume the purpose for this is only to record the drone telemetry. So that being said do you ever need to remove it and clear the memory or do you just keep it in there and forget about it.
I really appreciate the help, thank you Rayray,Steve Carr and Mortalis
Oh my other question is... If there's UHS1 and UhS10 is there a 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in between ? Class 1 and class 10, how come you skip all the classes in between. Yay aye I Know stupid questions but the only way to know is to ask right.
2 gig cards have pretty much been discontinued. They were originally designed for cell phones but those have advanced much since a 2 gig card was sufficient. Depending on how much telemetry you want to keep, the 2 gig card may be fine. If you need to store more an 8 gig card would be more than adequate. No need to clear them, they over write the old files when the card is full.
Thank you Pat R. For me this whole thing is confusing and I sure appreciate all this advise. Here are the SD cards I have. Before yesterday I though an SD card was as basic as saying a cassette in relationship to a cassette player. I have 6 cards as follows...
1. Sandisk Micro SD/HC 8 gb. The class is 2

2. Sandisk Micro SD/HC Mobile Ultra 16gb. Class is 4 (written in the circle)

3. Sandisk Micro SD/HC 2gb. There's nothing indicating the class.

4. Micro SD/HC 4gb. Class 4

5. Two (2) Micro SD/HC 16gb. Class 1
( there's no brand name indicated on these two.It just says made in China)

So that's what I have. Two of these came with the Q-500 but I don't remember which two. I don't know which one of these to put in the ST10 and which ones to use in the camera. #5 these two 16gb. cards I bought yesterday in Wallmart because they were in sale. So those were not in the Q-500 when I received it.

If you or someone reading this can tell me what to use , that would be great

Since the card going into the ST16 is recording data only you can use any of the SDHC/SDXC minis that you have. The only "specialized" card you need is going into the camera. Video recording requires faster traznsfer rates and you get those in the Class 6 and above. For 4K recording you need to have class 10. The little number you see in the "U" signifies a bit more specifically the write rates with the higher the number the faster the write rate. With 4K recording the faster (higher number) the better. If you are recording in 1080p then any class 6 or above card should work just fine.

Its all about what you are recording.
Data = nothing special
Pictures (Camera) Class 6 or higher in a DSLR camera the higher the number = the faster the recovery rate from frame to frame
Video = up to 1080p class 6 or higher, 4K class 10 is required for stutter free playback (higher the "U" number the better)
When I bought the drone I bought it more for the experience of flying more so then making videos. That is secondary for me. You have told me more in this reply than anyone else. I know now that the class number has to do with speed of recording. I do not have the 4K recording, I believe I have the 1080p whatever that is. I remember it cost more for the 4K when I bought the Q500.
So based on what you are saying, none of the SD cards I mention above are any good. You say a Class 6 or higher for 1080p. None of what I have is that.
The highest class is the one marked as #2. That one is a Class 4 and is 16gb. That might be the one that came with the drone when shipped to me. Will this one work?
Believe me I know this sounds really dumb, but I have no clue about this stuff. I am catching on but each one on these answers seem to contradict another or they are give me very poorly written answers that don't clearly indicate what they are trying to say. Some are using language that assumes I know what their talking about. At least your post give a clearer picture.
Based on your input I've determined Class 10 is not needed as I do not have a 4K camera. So for the ST-10 I can basically use any of the SDHC cards that I list above. For the CGO2 it is preferred to use a SDHC card that is rated above a CLASS 6 or better. So for good video the Sandisk16gb. card that is #2 above is not the one I should use. Is all this correct?
Your #2 card will "work". It may or may not record the video smoothly. I would suggest that you try it. If when you play the video back it plays smoothly then you're good to go. If the video skips or stutters then you will need one of the higher class cards. Normally, these days, computers are capable of playing back 1080p (HD) video but of the video does stutter I wouldn't rule that out just now without knowing what your computer's spec s are.
I would give it a test try.
I'm confused with what you can use or not use on my Q500 with a CGO2 camera
I have several cards. They say SDHC 2gb, SDHC I6gb and SDHC 8gb
I never knew there was a difference between SD and SDHC. So in the ST10 what do I use and in the camera what do I use. Am I NOT to use a SDHC. Is there a difference. Is t the adapters that come with these all the same? They are in,y an adapter so you can slip it into a computer, is that correct? P,ease enlighten me..please if you use the words like... "I think" then don't answer this. I need a clear cut answer
使用影片 - SD Association

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