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sign of the times

I went to a place called Durdle Door in the UK and found similar signs up. The funny thing is they can't actually enforce it as the land that is exposed when the tide recedes is known as Crown property, and you have permission to take off from that. If you take off and land on that strip there is nothing they can legally do to stop you (providing you're flying legally of course!).
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They are also posted at all the national parks and of course has a phantom profile. I still saw a mavic airborne at Birney Falls (CA state park and banned) and Sequoia National park. I have to admit that having our camping spot flown over was annoying but so is all the other thinks like generators, noisy kids on bikes, stereos, and a whole host of things that really should be left home. I guess the drone is the tipping point. It's regulation for one thing while a frikin motor boat with a hemi banging up a lake with music blaring is just fine.
That's a quad drone, looks like a DJI nothing mentioning Hexi drones. ;):rolleyes:
What are you expecting? It's California - the worst state Mexico has... Thats where the stupidest laws are approved and where people seem to be the most regulated ones.
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The word 'Drone' used to describe muti-rotor aircraft irritates me. It is an incorrect use of the word popularised by the media and other non-informed people and organisations. I've long given up arguing the point since no matter what I think the media (and some authorities) will still use the word, so I won't waste my breath. However, since the sign refers explicitly to drones...whether they may be of the insect variety I don't know... there may be an argument that our multi-rotors (UAVs, UAS, SUAS, SUAVs, etc.) not actually being drones are not effected by the signage?

Then again, there is that picture of the Phantom...;)
The word 'Drone' used to describe muti-rotor aircraft irritates me
Agree. Everytime someone asks me about my "drone" I tell them I don't own one and can't afford one. I tell them drones carry missiles. Mine carries a camera which makes it an APV.
Agree. Everytime someone asks me about my "drone" I tell them I don't own one and can't afford one. I tell them drones carry missiles. Mine carries a camera which makes it an APV.
When someone asks me: 'Is that a drone?', my stock response is 'Oh..where?'
Funny thing is the lack of common sense. One can stand a mile outside the park and fly into it no problem. I think before laws are established (any law) the people enacting them should be required to have xxx number of hours of certified study on the topic before they can put it to a vote. (Like the debacle where no one understood the US ACA healthcare law before voting on it)
Funny thing is the lack of common sense. One can stand a mile outside the park and fly into it no problem. I think before laws are established (any law) the people enacting them should be required to have xxx number of hours of certified study on the topic before they can put it to a vote. (Like the debacle where no one understood the US ACA healthcare law before voting on it)
Unfortunately common sense is not so common anymore.
near San Francisco

Welcome to Californistan - This kind of garbage is why the people north of Chico want to form the state of Jefferson... along with what they feel is *zero* representation in Congress.

It's worth noting that this Ordinance has been on the books for at least a few years and includes Golf, Hang Gliding, Fireworks and a couple others..

3.68.150 Dangerous Activities

Except in areas specifically designated and set aside from time to time by the
Parks and Recreation Commission, or the San Francisco Water Department
for such activities, no person shall engage in any of the following activities
within any County Park or Recreation area, or on the San Francisco Fish and
Game Refuge, and in no case shall any person engage in any activity or
operate any device recklessly or negligently so as to endanger the life, limb
or property of any person:
1. Use or possess fireworks of any kind.
2. Drive, chip, or in any other manner play or practice golf, or hit golf
3. Operate self-propelled model airplanes, boats, automobiles, or
other model craft of any kind or description.
4. Throw, release, or discharge missiles, rockets, or similar projectiles.
5. Hang-glide or parachute.
6.Operate any gas or hot air balloon (other than a toy balloon).
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