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St16 left stick is misbehaving

May 25, 2016
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Just received H from the service and went for test flight and then it started.
The first thing H couldn't take off from the ground completely ignoring left stick command. I checked mode, power cycled both st16 and H. Still no good and I was just about to pack up the thing (I was manipulating with left stick all the time) suddenly I heard the revs on the motors have increased and it took off. I felt something is not right cause response from left stick was slow not to mention landing gear stuck as well in mid position.
When I looked at hardware monitor on st16 , noticed strange behaviour for J1. In idle it was not sitting on 0 or 50% depends how u see it, it was saying-47% . If I push stick all the way from myself it doesn't go further than 86% so it's not reaching 100%. I just applied a new firmware hoping it will resolve the issue but no
Still the same.
Is this fixable through the channel settings or I need to send it back to the service?
Just want to mention before the crash H was flying like a dream and I had no issues with st16.



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I could not complete the calibration for any j and k. So now none of the sticks and sliders works. It's going to the service...
I could not complete the calibration for any j and k. So now none of the sticks and sliders works. It's going to the service...

Do the calibration with the sliders centered.

it's important that the TILT and the Turtle / Rabbit sliders are set to the middle
Ok guys thanks for your help. I managed to calibrate all the buttons, however J1 box stayed red but on the next screen it passed. Under hardware monitor J1 now behaves as expected.
Thanks again!
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