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ST16 tripod mounting plate

May 11, 2016
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Monrovia, MD
If you look at the back of the ST16, you will notice a set of 4 deep holes to allow screwdriver access to screws. With the help of a friend, I have designed a plate which I intent to CNC from aluminum (aluminium for the EU folks). It will have 4 Al pegs on the 4 corners which will fit into the holes. On the opposite side will be a tripod shoe which will bolt on. The idea is that you put the plate in your tripod then set the ST16 onto the plate. Wallah, no holding the controller, it sits at a comfortable level and can be tilted to account for the sunshade and sun direction. Attached a picture of a quick test cut I did using scrap 1/8" fiberboard.

I'm also thinking of attaching a plate plate with the standard camera 1/4"-20 thread so that you can just screw in the adapter that fits your tripod. Since I long ago lost my adapter, I had to made a custom one which I originally decided just to bolt on.


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Great idea, but I'm not sure about the aluminum part. Can you make it out of a plastic?
I did print one on my Replicator 2X but we had problems with the pegs breaking off. I rather not have my ST16 fall and then have to repair/replace it. The stresses and strain on the pegs and the tripod plate and how it attaches are the weak points.

Also, the plate doesn't actually touch the back of the ST16 for allow for air flow to the two cooling fans. The only part that does touch are the four pegs which mount inside the screw access holes.
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Instead of using pegs to go into the screw void, why not leave just holes in the plate and then use longer screws that securely attach the plate to the ST16?

I could see a market for such an idea. Keep us posted.
ArnhemAnt, thought of that but my problem would be that my ST16 wouldn't then fit back into my hardcase. With 3/4" pegs (and the holes being slightly tapered), it's a sturdy mount unless you are laying on your back. Cutting the first one from Al later this week. Will post pictures and do a test flight (Rayray had a concern about signal degradation).
Here's my plate done in aluminum with Al standoffs. When off the tripod it fits in my hardcase with the pegs down.


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CVO Larry, If you look on the back of the ST16, you will see access holes for the screws. Two on the top and two on the bottom. The top ones are further apart than the lower ones. The standoffs on the plate just slide into the holes. It holds the ST16 well but is not designed to keep it from falling off if the tripod falls over. Haven't thought of selling them. It was an exercise to test my new Stepcraft 600 CNC unit.
If you want to field test a few, I would be interested in one if the price is right. I'm retired and would love to be able sit down with a short tripod while flying.
Considering I almost always have My Nikon and tripod with me anyhow... I would love one of these. Carrying around a small folding table has been my answer so far.
Have the prop thrust measurement project to do (another thread). Maybe after the upcoming holidays, I may make a couple and get folks opinions. Will keep both of you in mind. Don't know what a price would be, my time is not the issue, mostly the cost of the Al plate and the standoffs. Stay tuned.
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There you go. Grimsin and I are willin
Have the prop thrust measurement project to do (another thread). Maybe after the upcoming holidays, I may make a couple and get folks opinions. Will keep both of you in mind. Don't know what a price would be, my time is not the issue, mostly the cost of the Al plate and the standoffs. Stay tuned.
Thanks. I will look forward to hearing from you.
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How about using a small rubber plug the same diameter as the hole in the ST 16 on top of the standoff with a small t-nut inserted into the rubber plug. Then you could use a knob with screw attached, inserted through the back plate and standoff to the t-nut. After inserting all 4 standoffs into the ST 16 you simply tighten the knobs to expand the rubber plugs locking the ST 16 onto the stand. I'm just guessing as my H hasn't arrived yet so I don't have the ST 16.
Have the prop thrust measurement project to do (another thread). Maybe after the upcoming holidays, I may make a couple and get folks opinions. Will keep both of you in mind. Don't know what a price would be, my time is not the issue, mostly the cost of the Al plate and the standoffs. Stay tuned.
If you decide to market these, KC3FPV, please keep me in mind, I certainly could use one!

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