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ST24 / ST16 question on the Models and H920 / H920 Plus gimbal control - Project

Jul 16, 2024
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I have a question about the Yuneec ST16 Ground Station Controller for the Yuneec H920 Plus does it only show three models to choose from? Because the Yuneec ST16 Professional Ground Station Controller i purchased separately only shows models for the H920, CGO3 Plus and Typhoon H.
If the one for the Yuneec H920 Plus shows one for the H920 CGO4 and CGO4 I would love to have the models to look at. I want to compare the models to the ST24 Ground Station Controller. Thank you for your help.

The question was not real clear it's about figuring out why there is not full gimbal control on the CGO4 for the Yuneec H920 Plus on the Yuneec H920. I should have stated that.


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Hello from Switzerland

We already had this topic in this forum.
the CGO4 of the H920 had to be modified in order to be operated with the H920+.

So if you want to operate a CGO4 from the H920 on the H920+, there is only the option of using 2 separate control units.

The ST16 to control the H920+ and the ST24 to control the camera.

The ST16 of the Tyohoon H and the Tornado H920+ are identical.

Kind regards, Enrico
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Hello from Texas,

Actually it's the other way around I am working on it's the CGO4 of the Yuneec H920 Plus on the older Yuneec H920. I am trying to figure out
why the CGO4 from the H920 Plus gimbal will not work with either the ST24 or the ST16 once logged into the WiFi of the gimbal. I get video,
camera control but no gimbal control.

So from what you are saying the ST16 in theory should of controlled the gimbal with my setup but it is not. So it sounds like maybe a software
issue sending the gimbal commands via the gimbal port. Unless Yuneec white listed the H920 in their gimbal firmware???

I found this talking about similar issue (I didn't see the first time in my searching. Is this the thread you where talking about?):

Do you think Yuneec CGO4 for the H920 PLUS is reading the serial packets and looking to see what which bird it is from the Yuneec FCO module? Have you ever read the output of the gimbal packets from the H920 gimbal port? I wonder if it states what device it is?
Or do you think it's something else? Looking at this post's image:

So they get rid of the SR24 board in the CGO4 for the Yuneec H920 Plus. Where is the WiFi module now, that the Ground Station is logging into? Is it built into the camera now? Because Looking at the following post's first image you don't see any type of WiFi module:

So the original CGO4 is taking the SR24 WiFi commands and passing the camera controls through the main board down to the camera originally? If you look at the second one post where he has the purple line stating the cut wire that's the UART connector. Does this connector tell the
main board the camera is ready or is this just gimbal control? If this is the case and you look back at my post on the CGO4 for the Yuneec H920 Plus and my findings:

Makes me wonder if the Wifi module on the new CGO4 for Yuneec H920 Plus is not giving the main board for gimbal control a ready state because it's looking at what is logged into it. If that's the case the ST16 Professional Ground Station should have had gimbal control?????????
Even though it goes through the power up sequence checking the gimbal and camera. Then it will transmit video to the ST24 and ST16 and have full camera control but no gimbal control. Unless the camera connector on the main board is passing packets down to the gimbal WiFi
device that's running the Linux OS what device is connected to the gimbal port. If this is the case then we need to still find a way to log into the telnet.

Thank you for your help.
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I don't have a H920 or H920+ to do some tests. Also the history what was going to work and what not with old and new one. @Enrico Jorysch is the best person here.

I have a CGO4 frame without gimbal. I added a cable for power supply and luckily the camera lens from my Lumix camera fits the CGO4. I have full control via WiFi with CGO4 app on Android phone.
I think camera and gimbal are independent from each other. Gimbal is controlled by flight controller (FC), camera by WiFi.
If FC uses PWM or command messages via UART I don't know. One theory is that H920 uses PWM and H920+ UART. Maybe this is the difference why both are incompatible as Enrico said?
I don't have a H920 or H920+ to do some tests. Also the history what was going to work and what not with old and new one. @Enrico Jorysch is the best person here.

I have a CGO4 frame without gimbal. I added a cable for power supply and luckily the camera lens from my Lumix camera fits the CGO4. I have full control via WiFi with CGO4 app on Android phone.
I think camera and gimbal are independent from each other. Gimbal is controlled by flight controller (FC), camera by WiFi.
If FC uses PWM or command messages via UART I don't know. One theory is that H920 uses PWM and H920+ UART. Maybe this is the difference why both are incompatible as Enrico said?
So your thinking on both versions of the CGO4 both gimbals are controlled via the gimbal ports though. So are the main boards in both gimbals the same? If they are, then there
must be firmware on the board that is taking the signals interpreting the H920 PWM or H920+ UART command messages. So is the UART port on the main board of the CGO4 is
connected to the gimbal port on the drone?

Could add an Arduino to take the PWM and turn it into UART commands. Code it to where the Arduino can tell what gimbal is connected to it have to mod the FlighMode APK to
embed gimbal type. Turn on and off PWM to UART. If this is the case then you might could fly any camera gimbal setup on the drone. Create a little "black box" that interpreting
the PWM signal into what the gimbal needs. Or just and dip switches that tells the Arduino what drone you re pretending to be. Just a thought.

Good information. Thank you.
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Actually I do not see any signal at this port.
OKay, thank you for the reply I didn't see you told me that SR24 in an email about the second port. That means I guess cannot use it without firmware modding. So better to connect the
Pi5 board directly like you did in your project on github. and then come out of it into the Yuneec FCO H920 module.

What about the S-Bus/X-Bus port on the H920 FCO does it take commands or is it even enabled?

What about the DSM port on the H920 FCO module does it take commands from a DSM receiver to that port or is it even enabled?

Trying to figure out a way to inject commands into the H920 FCO without creating delay.
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@h-elsner Looks like you are right about the RX and TX of the CGO4 for Yuneec H920 Plus ports found this info on another thread post:

Talks about the mTX / PWM and mRX are serial pulses and found this Blog Post on mTX and Mavlink which makes me
wonder if Yuneec used a form of Mavlink:

This Rx/Tx talking is about the CGO3+. I don't know if the same applies for CGO4 because CGO4 is older. But maybe the upgrade to H920+ takes over a lot of the CGO3+ functionality to be compatible to ST16.

I have tested only with Typhoon H and CGO3+ system.
The UART to/from camera has a message format comparable to MAVlink V1 but non of the messages meets the description of MAVlink documentation. Yuneec seems to made their own stuff.
Here is what I (and others) found out: Reverse engineering CGO3+ UART
Look into the attachment of post #8.
Should be not the same, because to use CGO3+ with H920+ is necessary to have an adapter from Yuneec. It is rare and expansive. I bought one for my collection. From my tests it works not so stable.
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In my opinion there must be a difference between CGO3+ and CGO4 camera (H920+): with the CGO3+ it is possible to fly in team mode, also with the CGOET.
Therefore the protocol seems to be different.
Thank you @Vaklin and @h-elsner for the awesome info and work on coding on your projects. That's why I want to create a "Black Box" for the Yuneec H920 using an Arduino. I purchased EPS32 wifi with
one of those small OLED screens just as cheep to buy with screen as not off of eBay. Also bought a few 74HC4051 Multiplexer to switch between the types of signal coming from the ESP32 weather it's protocols like
PWM, PPM, SBUS, CRSF, MAVLINK, SmartPort, Yuneec flavor of UART to the RX and TX out of the "Black Box". So have the PWM control protocol signal RX/TX coming coming from the H920 drone then
output to input RX output TX to correct protocol coming from the gimbal of choice. Would not matter what Yuneec Gimbal or other 3rd party gimbals you wanted to stick on the bird.

I know the voltage will have to be stepped down to 12 volts out, correct? Also make it work with the Yuneec H920 gimbals too just pass the PWM protocol singal through too so can use the same setup.

Maybe something like this for DC-DC power:

I snagged a GoPro gimbal off of ebay becasue there is an awesome deal right now:

I aslo snagged this to attache to the H920 drone to hold the Yuneec Gimbals:

So does anyone know the H920 gimbal plug model number to create wiring harness from the drone to the "Black Box" and then the from the "Black Box" to the plug on the above mounting adapter or to the

Are these the same size connector ends (I checked the 6S and it fit the CGO4 gimbal plug into the battery charger balance board)?

Then found this on eBay but still expensive to cut up for the gimbal port plug for the gimbal bracket. need model and type of 5 pin connector:

Or cheaper to cut the pig tail off of this mini USB board using the same connector:

I would like to use the LK58 WiFi module off of the GB603 with the GG203 or any gimbal that needs WiFi video stream transmission back to the grond station. Why I am still trying to figure out the
password and dump the flash. One reseason the MK58 is analog from the USB port of the GoPro and the LK58 uses HDMI. Well and all I have is the LK58. I know it will take moding the FlightMode APK
to handle the rtmp video streams and camera controls.

We could make the "Black Box" take UART input from the Yuneec H920 Plus make it work with both birds. since the ESP32 has two uarts exposed. Since the ESP32 has WiFi chip login into it and send it commands to switch between the
types of input and output of the ESP32. I could help test the H920 Plus idea using the Yuneec ProAction+ for the CGO4+.


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Found @dylanfm ESP32 Arduino code. Along with @h-elsner help, great stuff:

Started on the Arduino software layout. Getting the WiFi interface setup. Still waiting for the multiplexers to come in. Should have rest of the parts in over the next week!
Any feedback would be great!
Question on wiring up the attached images. I purchased the CGO3+ gimbal cable to plug into the gimbal connection board. I am going to cut off the 4 pin plug end from the CGO3+ gimbal cable
and connect the output of the step down buck power board for 12 volts to the cable then male plug in of the 6S Lipo battery extension balance charger cable that will plug into the drone or "black box".
Question on the RX and TX of the CGO+ gimbal cable should be connected to the RX and TX of the wiring diagram of the 6 pin header plug? So RX to RX and TX to TX? I am trying to make this so
if you want to plug it directly into your H920 or the H920 Plus drone's gimbal port or into the female end of the 6S plug header which I will use on the output of the "black box". I bought two of the 6S
Lipo battery extension balance cables one to create the pigtails for the "black box" input and output and the cable hook up in question.


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Quick question has anyone ever tried to read the YMAVLINK TX protocols from the Yuneec ProAction+ using a serial connection? I don't have a Yuneec H920+ to try and read them from the drone.
I am using the ESP32 and trying to read the TX. Should I hook the CGO4+ gimbal up to the ProAction+ and tap into the GND, RX and TX lines and read the data that way sent between them? Why I ask
I don't get anything from the ProAction+ connected directly to it. I have tried different baud rates 57600, 115200, 500000 from reading the other posts on this forum.
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Quick question has anyone ever tried to read the YMAVLINK TX protocols from the Yuneec ProAction+ using a serial connection? I don't have a Yuneec H920+ to try and read them from the drone.
I am using the ESP32 and trying to read the TX. Should I hook the CGO4+ gimbal up to the ProAction+ and tap into the GND, RX and TX lines and read the data that way sent between them? Why I ask
I don't get anything from the ProAction+ connected directly to it. I have tried different baud rates 57600, 115200, 500000 from reading the other posts on this forum.
I attached my Yuneec GB603 gimbal to the Proaction+ and it controlled it so I guess this is all still PWM and switching to reading PWM signal with the ESP32. Anyway here are some pics from inside my GB603 gimbal.
I know it's off topic. I will attach more pics from inside my CGO4+ later.


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Here is the link to the Post for the CGO4+ pics:


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