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The "Landing" Blues....

Aug 15, 2016
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Good afternoon to all.... I was wondering how everyone gets "landing" the drone down to a science.. It seems every time I go to land my Typhoon 4K, is slowly comes to the ground, bounces up and down 2 times and safely sets down on the ground........................................................ then slowly..........................................................it starts..............................................LEANING BACKWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then "SNAP", there goes the back 2 blades.. I have tried shutting the power OFF when it is just hovering inches from the ground (which works) but then wind plays a factor.. I panicked and keep holding the DOWN toggle in hopes of SHOVING the Typhoon into the ground to hold it steady, but that doesn't work.. It always sets down just fine, and then in slow motion, before I can hold the KILL switch down for 4 seconds, it starts the death lean tilting backwards and falls on the back 2 blades snapping them off. Now, I come to a hover 4 feet off the ground and walk to the drone. Grab the landing gear and depress the KILL button.. I was wondering if there was a secret to this "landing" thing.. LOL

Any advise or experiences would be greatly appreciated...
Do you have the latest firmware installed?
I use the motor kill method about 8-12" above the ground and seem to always get a nice landing and no broken props. I also try to find a landing spot with the least wind near the ground.
Hundreds of landings never once had a bounce or need to kiil motors off the ground. Just a slow descent and hold down on throttle for a few seconds after touchdown,...then kill the motors.

You can experience burbles flying very low that's why a consistent descent is best don't hover around low,... just come strait down at one speed.

Steve Really kill the motors a foot off the ground? That's really not the easiest on your gear but if it works for ya.( so basically if I drop my h from a foot off the ground that's what you do?
When landing, I am toggling down and up controlling the drones descent.. should I just toggle down and hold to whole time? And let the drone sence the ground and do its own thing? What I do is toggle down, then stop the descent, then toggle down and again slow it down, and keep doing this until I get a few inches off the ground.. then a final down toggle and hold.... this is is where a second later, it leans back on the back 2 blades... I have not gotten any new firmware... I try to be gentile on the landing gear beings there is a really expensive camera under it.. lol... thanks for all the advise....
I will try and get you a video but the only way it should dip back is if your pulling back on the right thumb control.
Check to make sure u r in angle mode and that when u land your not pulling back on the right thumb control.
Actually, its kinda like the muscle memory thing... If that makes sense.. As they have proved, when holding a firearm in your RIGHT hand and your finder in the trigger... and then grab something with your LEFT hand and squeeze, your RIGHT hand will squeeze unconsciously.. This has cause more accidental discharges without even knowing what happened..This might be happening to me!!.. When I down toggle with the left stick, I might be down toggling with the right stick as well when it is tipping backwards, and not knowing.. I will try to let go of the right stick when landing.. Thanks so much for all of the advise,,

Be safe to all,,,, and thank all of you again..

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