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to get a lic. or not?

Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
San Francisco
Hey all Yuneec pilots out there, I have a question concerning lic, cert...etc So I purchased my H about a month ago and I am absolutely loving it. What I wanted to know is s few things....what certificate, and or lic. should I be focused on getting? and where to find the prep, and any and all info I will need to study. Also how do I go about getting it, is there a testing center..etc As usual thank guys.
Hey all Yuneec pilots out there, I have a question concerning lic, cert...etc So I purchased my H about a month ago and I am absolutely loving it. What I wanted to know is s few things....what certificate, and or lic. should I be focused on getting? and where to find the prep, and any and all info I will need to study. Also how do I go about getting it, is there a testing center..etc As usual thank guys.


One option is right in front of you if you happen to notice: Seems every page on this site has a banner advertising training, course study, et al for the Part 107 certification. That's one clue.

Another is to do a search on this site for Part 107. You will likely find links to FAA sites where one can find study materials, practice tests, testing center locations and requirements. Also, consider registering your craft. The decision you will need to make is whether you intend to go commercial or remain solely hobby.

There is a ton of information out there; too much to list here considering it has already been listed. Google is also a great source. Not trying to slough off or anything like that. Rather, letting you know my personal experience: use the search tools at hand to lead the way.

Take your time, research, take advantage of all the free (as well as for a fee, your choice) materials. Practice, let it soak in, practice some more, and when you are ready, good luck!

Hope this helps!

Hey all Yuneec pilots out there, I have a question concerning lic, cert...etc So I purchased my H about a month ago and I am absolutely loving it. What I wanted to know is s few things....what certificate, and or lic. should I be focused on getting? and where to find the prep, and any and all info I will need to study. Also how do I go about getting it, is there a testing center..etc As usual thank guys.
Some of our rules in Canada are the same, so I'm posting an FAA link that may help you decide what direction you want to first go with the way you operate your drone for now. It also looks like they have a lot of links to more of what is required.
Getting Started

Hopefully when more chime in here it will give you more ideas on what to search within the forum for. With all of the experience from hands on users, they will have probably gone in depth in previous posts.

For myself, I always start with key words as you have done but use the search tool with them first. Sometimes it can be overwhelming when you get the search results. I tend to look at the 5 most current as they will mention other posts.
No need to hurry into any kind of license. Better to learn a lot more about what and how to do what you've just got started with first. As your experience and ability levels increase you can think about what you might want to do later and set yourself up accordingly.

One option is right in front of you if you happen to notice: Seems every page on this site has a banner advertising training, course study, et al for the Part 107 certification. That's one clue.

Another is to do a search on this site for Part 107. You will likely find links to FAA sites where one can find study materials, practice tests, testing center locations and requirements. Also, consider registering your craft. The decision you will need to make is whether you intend to go commercial or remain solely hobby.

There is a ton of information out there; too much to list here considering it has already been listed. Google is also a great source. Not trying to slough off or anything like that. Rather, letting you know my personal experience: use the search tools at hand to lead the way.

Take your time, research, take advantage of all the free (as well as for a fee, your choice) materials. Practice, let it soak in, practice some more, and when you are ready, good luck!

Hope this helps!

Thanks Jeff I really appreciate that. yup I am staying home tonight and studying you tube, google...etc I am just like that when I get in to something I get all the way in to it.

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